Named Data Networking(NDN) is one of the architectures of Information-Centric Networking.
I have used Ubuntu 20.04 to run and simulate it.
Make the directory called ndnSIM and navigate inside it. Then download the following source codes.
git clone ns-3
git clone pybindgen
git clone --recursive ns-3/src/ndnSIM
Note: Due to the hardware specification of my laptop, the installation ran infinitely. The laptop RAM was just 4GiB. It used up 100% of it. So, the reason was due to the compilation of visualizers. Therefore, I decided to disable the visualizer and install it.
Now I was able to compile and build the source code successfully.
You can run the simmulation using the commands given below. There are builtin simulation available. So I will write the command to run the simulation for "ndn-simple" builtin simulation.
You can also run in the logging mode. Which will be more informative.