In order to protect my work and most importantly to protect the investsments done by others to make the hardware real and available to you, the hardware design is currently not publicy available and only available under a non-commercial license. If you are intressted in manufacturing and/or distrubution, plesae contact me.
Currently Paul Barker at / RE-303 is the only one granted rights of manufacturing.
Please respect this wish.
Software once released will be licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE
- Buy the hardware
- Firmware Releases latest builds of the firmware and tools.
- PixieDust updating/backup and general tool for the project.
- PixieDust Online online version of PixieDust.
Much of the layout of build system and project layout is insipred by Mutable Instruments Github and Westlicht PER|FORMER Github excellent projects.
Part of the RE-Emu code is inspired by work in MAME
- Paul Barker at for making RE-303
- Emilie Gillet at Mutable Instruments
- Simon Kallweit at westlicht github
- hap, Kevin Horton, Sean Riddle for the MAME implementation of UCOM4/TB-303/TR-606
- Roland Corporation and Tadao Kikumoto for making the TB-303.
Thank you for all your work <3