- Mac OS X
brew install git-flow
- Linux
# Ubuntu
apt-get install git-flow
# CentOS
yum install gitflow
- Windows Follow the official guide or using GUI tools
# init gitfflow
git flow init
# start a new feature
git flow feature start <feature-branch-name>
# publish a new feature
git flow feature publish <feature-branch-name>
# pull a new feature from remote repo
git flow feature pull origin <feature-branch-name>
# finish a new feature
git flow feature finish <feature-branch-name>
# start a new release
git flow release start <release-branch-name>
# publish a new release
git flow release publish <release-branch-name>
# finish a new release
git flow release finish <release-branch-name>
# push all tags to remote repo
git push --tags
# start a new hotfix
git flow hotfix start <hotfix-branch-name>
# finish a new hotfix
git flow hotfix finish <hotfix-branch-name>