I am a software developer and test automation expert. I love building automation utilities and have recently started exploring IOT based automations. I have created number of different utilties and libraries as part of my work projects as well as personal projects. I love to epxeriment with open source tech stack and wish to contribute towards same some day.
Stick around and feel free to browse through the reposities that I have made public!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning and implementing deploying applications to Amazon Web Services EKS clusters using helm, kubernetes using GitHub Actions
- 🌱 I’m always developing Test Automation utilities to help my team test complex payment messaging applications.
- 🏠 Currently building my smarthome using HomeAssistant
- 🌱 I’m currently honing my skills on Javascript and Python
- 🌱 I have explored and worked with CI/CD techstack including Docker, Kubernetes, Helm
- 🔭 I just love creating utilities. I have designed chrome extensions, homeassistant frontend/backend integrations and several python utilities.
- 🔭 Currently excited to create smart applications leveraging OpenAI api (ChatGPT)
- 📫 How to reach me https://www.linkedin.com/in/sunny-dsouza/