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ndcube Installation Instructions

DanRyanIrish edited this page Dec 11, 2018 · 1 revision

Development Version

This page outlines how to install the development version of NDCube. To install NDCube we will use a combination of conda, conda environments, pip and git. We will assume these are all installed on your current system. NDCube also requires Python 3. Python 2 is not supported.

1. Create Conda Environment: ndcube-dev

From command line in any directory, do:

$ conda config --append channels conda-forge
$ conda create -n ndcube-dev sunpy hypothesis pytest-mock pip sphinx coverage ipython jupyter
$ source activate ndcube-dev on windows this is $ activate ndcube-dev

The first line opens a conda channel so that SunPy and its dependencies can be installed. The second line creates the ndcube-dev conda environment with a list of dependencies. The final line activates, or puts us into the new enviroment.

2. Clone NDCube Repository

First we will create a directory to hold the repo.

$ cd
$ mkdir github_repos
$ cd github_repos
$ git clone ndcube_dev

If you already have this repo cloned, make sure they are up-to-date but by pulling the latest version of the master branches:

$ cd ~/github_repos/ndcube_dev
$ git pull origin master

assuming that origin is the remote pointing to the main ndcube repo, i.e. To determine what the correct remote name is, cd into the repo's directory and do

$ git remote -v

3. Install the Development Versions of the Repo

$ cd ~/github_repos/ndcube_dev
$ pip install -e .

You should now be ready to use NDCube. To check it's installed, open an Python, IPython, or Jupyter Notebook session from any directory and try
>>> import ndcube