anim8 is a simple animation/storyboarding tool written in go. You will need GLFW in order to run this.
Simply do
$ make
or if make is not an option for you, just do:
$ go build -o $(GOPATH)/bin/anim8 cmd/anim8/main.go cmd/anim8/bindata.go
and make sure $(GOPATH)/bin is in your PATH. To run anim8, you should now be able to do
$ anim8
- start sketching your first frame
- now press SPACE, it will store the frame in a scene (a buffer which will become the animation)
- you will notice that the previous frame is still showing with 30% opacity, as a guide for the next frame (the indication won't be stored in the scene)
- you can also press C (copy) to copy (and overwrite) the previous frame to the current one
- using SHIFT + arrow keys you can shift the current frame in a certain direction
- you can press E (erase) to erase from the canvas using your cursor, then press E again to return to the brush tool
- if you need to update an older frame, you can use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to nagivate through the scene
- if you want to delete the entire frame, press D (delete)
- if you need to adjust the brush size, use your mouse wheels to do so
- continue collecting frames until you think you have enough
- if you want to see how your frames look animated, press P (play)
- you can cancel the animation by pressing and holding P again
- if you want to view the animation in a loop, press L (loop), and to escape the loop press and hold L again
- while in loop-mode, you can press and hold the UP and DOWN arrow keys to increase or decrease the playback FPS
- if you want to dump your animation as a set of PNGs, press ENTER, type the scene name, and press ENTER again
- if you want to reset the scene and start collecting frames for another, press R (reset)
- that's pretty much the intended workflow
- press ESC (escape) to exit the program