Retrieve the advertising identifier across ios and android on react-native with this small library. Support RN > 0.56 with or without and cocoapods
You need to add this codes in info.plist
<string>We need to use your ad tracking permission to track ads</string>
npm install aia-react-native-idfa
react-native link
Since this library is using the advertising identifier, you must remember to add AdSupport in your IOS project.
If you're using Cocoapods, there is no need to this as when you're adding aia-react-native-idfa to your Podfile it will get added by default
pod 'aia-react-native-idfa', path: '../node_modules/aia-react-native-idfa'
Add AdSupport.framework under "Link Binary With Libraries".
import { IDFA } from 'aia-react-native-idfa';
class Basic extends Component {
state = {
IDFA: '',
componentDidMount() {
IDFA.getIDFA().then((idfa) => {
this.setState({ IDFA: idfa, });
.catch((e) => {
render() {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Text>Your IDFA is : {this.state.IDFA}</Text>
In your build.gradle make sure to force the version to whatever version makes sense through our your dependencies
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
if (details.getRequested().getGroup() == '') {
// If different projects require different versions of
// Google Play Services it causes a crash on run.
// Fix by overriding version for all projects.
Since this is a react-native repository we will ship the code untranspiled and with flow types along it.
Google has introduced some breaking changes on 17.0.0. The SDK will throw an error if your manifest.xml is not configured properly
* The Google Mobile Ads SDK was initialized incorrectly. AdMob publishers *
* should follow the instructions here: to add a valid *
* App ID inside the AndroidManifest. Google Ad Manager publishers should *
* follow instructions here: *
update your manifest.xml
Google's Ad Manager guide