APK provided by AOSPA, this is an attempt to make GCamGO more capable and easier to build.
Even though this tree is located in Kasumi repositories, it doesn't mean you cannot use it on other ROMs!
To make this build inline, you have 3 options (for making build system clone it);
AbusingUtilizing dependencies- Using a local manifest
- Cloning manually
Then we'll include a file to get it actually up.
This is the simplest one, you just add a little entry to your device dependencies and let build system handle the rest. Keep in mind this works only if your tree is on official repositories. If not, it won't work.
"repository": "ProjectKasumi/vendor_gcgop",
"target_path": "vendor/gcgop", // You can use a different path as well, path is tied to a variable.
"branch": "kasumi-v1", // This is just an example, you'll need to change this if we release a v2+.
"remote": "github"
Did you know? That dependencies in ROMs actually write a local manifest too! Let's see how can you add your own.
- Create the directory if it doesn't exist already:
mkdir $TOP/.repo/local_manifests
- Create our local manifest:
touch $TOP/.repo/local_manifests/gcgop.xml
- Now paste the contents.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remote name="kasumi" fetch="https://git.polycule.co/ProjectKasumi/android" revision="kasumi-v1" />
<project path="vendor/gcgop" remote="kasumi" clone-depth="1" />
Just run this command:
git clone https://git.polycule.co/ProjectKasumi/android/vendor_gcgop -b kasumi-v1 --depth=1 --no-tags vendor/gcgop
If you're building Kasumi, you don't need to do any of the above. Because since this is a part of our sources, we already clone this just in case. So all you need is a simple flag;
If you're building another ROM, replicating what this flag does also is as simple as...
$(call inherit-product-if-exists, $(GCGOP_VENDOR_DIR)/config.mk)
Let's say you're building a ROM with GCamGO present in their sources. Ever wondered how do we circumvent this issue?
All we did was a special naming for our package, and overriding the possible existing one so that we don't get into a single issue.
In case you wonder, the package name in build system is KasumiGCGOP
Creative, right? No conflicts, no common naming. ;)
- AOSPA for barebones resources
- Antonino Scordino for his mention and helps
- halogenOS for the special vendorsetup