Elizabeth Commisso (edc2147)
Chloe Nguyen (cn2489)
Susannah Abrams (sma2243)
Claudia Lihar (cl4178)
TAs Yuhan Xia: @Erisae, Raphael Sofaer: @rsofaer
Note: We were having issues with the repository, so the Heroku link does not include the version that includes our Rspec tests, but they are located in the Github - please contact us if this causes any issues or if you have any questions.
Follow the deployment link: https://cryptic-crag-96223-0df98d544074.herokuapp.com/schedule
Note: We are using Ruby version 2.6.6 (you can install this with rbenv install 2.6.6
git clone https://github.com/susannaha8/CUTomorrow.git
cd CUTomorrow
bundle install
Now, to set up the databases:
rake db:drop
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
To run the application:
- And make sure you go to
in your browser after starting the server
rails server
If you are running it on codio, run:
rails server -b
- Our database seed includes a test student. Feel free to login with email: [email protected] and password: test, or sign up with your own email. If you choose to sign up, once logged in, go to the profile page to add your major-- this will allow courses to appear by requirement on the "Add Courses" page.
To run our Cucumber tests:
bundle exec cucumber
To run our rspec tests:
bundle exec rspec
*Note: do not rake db:drop after you have already signed up and signed in-- the session is still set and the app will attempt to sign you in when your user does not exist in the database.