Temporal Logic Extractor
Conda (Recommended)
Plain old simple method
- Conda
- Get hold of Conda: https://www.continuum.io/downloads#linux http://conda.pydata.org/docs/install/full.html
bash Anaconda-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
- Use the yml file in repository to setup environment for TeLEX
conda env create -f telex.yml
This will create an environment named "telex" in your conda. Verify this by running:
conda env list
You should see a list of environments with "telex" in it; illustrative example:
# conda environments:
telex /home/jha/anaconda2/envs/telex
root * /home/jha/anaconda2
- Once the "telex" environment is present in your environment, you can activate it by:
source activate telex
- Add TeLEX home to your PYTHONPATH environment variable; illustrative example:
(telex) jha@sjlinux1:~/projects/TeLEX$ export PYTHONPATH=$PWD
(telex) jha@sjlinux1:~/projects/TeLEX$ echo $PYTHONPATH
- Go to tests folder and run "python test_learn.py" to check if all tests pass and TeLEX is installed.
(telex) jha@sjlinux1:~/projects/TeLEX$ cd tests/
(telex) jha@sjlinux1:~/projects/TeLEX/tests$ python test_learn.py
or run it as a pytest script, if you have pytest
(telex) jha@sjlinux1:~/projects/TeLEX/tests$ pytest test_learn.py
- Virtualbox
- Direct Installation Notes
Prerequisite: Python and python-dev packages (Can use apt-get install on Ubuntu).
Python packages: numpy, scipy, pandas, parsimonious, singledispatch(python 2)/functools(python 3) (Can use pip install for these).
Use setup.py for installation or add TeLEX home to PYTHONPATH.
Run test scripts in tests to verify installation and modify these scripts as needed.
a) complain about six module : sudo pip install --upgrade six (six version might need upgrade, parsimonious depends on six)
b) linblopt import issue : installation of bayesopt puts libnlopt.so in /usr/local/lib (or similar relative path if using prefix). You might have to do sudo ldconfig to rehash libraries. Optional: Install BayesOpt tool with Python API wrapper
a) code assumes deterministic enumeration over lists in communicating with optimizer; this is probably not the case in python 3 or is likely to be removed soon for security issues.
formula = ( _ globally _) / ( _ future _ ) / ( _ until _ ) / ( _ expr _ ) / ( _ paren_formula _)
paren_formula = "(" _ formula _ ")"
globally = "G" interval formula
future = "F" interval formula
until = "U" interval "(" formula "," formula ")"
interval = _ "[" _ bound _ "," _ bound _ "]" _
expr = or / and / implies / npred / pred
or = "(" _ formula _ "|" _ formula _ ")"
and = "(" _ formula _ "&" _ formula _ ")"
implies = "(" _ formula _ "->" _ formula _ ")"
npred = "!" _ formula
pred = constraint / atom
constraint = term _ relop _ bound _
term = infix / var
infix = "{" _ term _ arithop _ term _ "}"
var = _ id _
atom = _ id _
bound = param / num
param = id "?" _ num ";" num _
id = ~r"[a-zA-z\d]+"
num = ~r"[\+\-]?\d*(\.\d+)?"
relop = ">=" / "<=" / "<" / ">" / "=="
arithop = "+" / "-" / "*" / "/"
_ = ~r"\s"*
'G[b? 1;6, a? 1;9](x1 > 2)',
'G[0,5] F[a? 0;3, b? 0;5] (x1 > 2)',
'G[0,5] F[1, b? 0;5] (x1 > 2)',
'G[0,5] F[a? 0;2 , 2] (x1 > 2)',
'G[0,5] F[a? 1;2 , 3] (x1 > 2)',
'G[0,9] ({ x1 - x2 } < a? -2;8 )',
'G[0,9] ({ x2 - x1 } < a? -2;8 )',
'U[0,a? 0;2] (x1 <= 10, x2<=5)'