This is a Telegram bot which fetches word definitions, synonyms, antonyms, usage examples and the word of the day from the Internet. It uses Wordnik's API to fetch data.
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Or send a message to this username: @anotherwordbot
Inline mode is supported.
- /define [word] : Gets the word's meaning.
- /synonyms [word] : Gets similar words.
- /antonyms [word] : Gets opposites.
- /use [word] : Gets usage examples.
- /all [word] : Gets all of the above.
- /help : Send this message again.
- /today: Gets the word of the day.
- tornado==6.3.3
- requests==2.31.0
- pyTelegramBotAPI==4.23.0
- cachetools==5.5.2
- aws_lambda_powertools==3.6.0