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⚠️Alpha version. Still under development!

Required node >= 16



The sveil. Generation tool for svelte. Sveil will generate svelte resources.


Why not? Svelte is pretty mature framework, but for some reason have no any generation tool that widely used. Generation tool could save some time, scale application, and set structure. I didn't find any other generation tools for svelte, only nx have one, but it's comes with monorepos only, nx workspace and other configs (and last time I tried it svelte plugin didn't work well). And Lets say, svelte plugin for nx isn't looks official, nx mostly focused on react or angular.

The Sveil on other hand is standalone tool that you can use without any config files.



Freedom without structure is chaos. Svelte let us decide how to organize project freely, there're only several restrictions/rules. Since svelte trying to bind to native js way without any built in design patterns, we as developers are on our own.

I see 3 main goals of sveil tool:

  • Generation
  • Structure
  • Scale

For now it's limited generation, but with time sveil will get ability to structure svelte project and scale it (like nest or angular cli).

Table of Content


npm i @sveil/cli -g

Getting started

You can easily run:

sveil --help

In any situation to find desired command.


Here's documentation, that you can run in any time:

Usage: sveil [options] [command]

  -v, --version     Show sveil version
  -h, --help        display help for command

  init|i [options]  Init sveil and create sveil config
  generate|g        Generate sveil resource
  help [command]    display help for command


Command creates sveil-cli.json in root directory.

Not required in most cases. You need it only if your project using non standart named directories.

For example common path in svelte for lib is src/lib/, but if you have src/library/, then you need sveil configuration file (you can create it manually, doesn't matter really). Same for inner lib directories, like "components", "store", etc. Or even source/ instead of src/, all path values are configurable.

In all other cases you don't need config file and nobody ever will know that you used sveil (●'◡'●)

sveil i --help
Usage: sveil init|i [options]

Init sveil and create sveil config

  -d, --dry                    Run command dry-run(no changes will be applied)
  -y, --skip                   Skip interactive tour and init with default values
  -srcd, --source-dir <dir>    Set source directory of project
  -ld, --lib-dir <dir>         Set lib directory of project
  -cd, --components-dir <dir>  Set components directory of project
  -h, --help                   display help for command



sveil g c --help
Usage: sveil generate component|c [options] <componentName>

Generate svelte component

  componentName                      Component name

  -d, --dry                          Run comman dry-run (no changes will be applied)
  -sl, --script-language <language>  Set component script language (choices: "ts", "js")
  -ce, --css-external                Put component styles out of component
  -cl, --css-language <language>     Set component style language, e.g. 'scss' (choices: "scss", "postcss")
  -o, --overwrite                    WARNING: Overwriting existing component
  -s, --separate                     Generate component in separate folder
  -h, --help                         display help for command

Component state

Typescript only for now

sveil g cs --help
Usage: sveil generate component-state|cs [options] [componentName]

Generate component state

  componentName           Target component name

  -d, --dry               Run command dry-run (no changes will be applied)
  -s, --state             add target stores
  -n, --file-name [name]  Custom file name
  -h, --help              display help for command


Generate Component

sveil generate component

sveil g c main


sveil generate component main


- file main.svelte generated in ...\src\lib\components\main.svelte

Basic svelte component template:

  let name = "main";

<div class="main">

  .main {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

By default sveil use plain css and js for component template, but if project use typescript - it automatically add lang="ts". It's possible to overwrite default script/style languages with -sl and -cl options.

Sveil supports typescript only in script languages and scss/postcss in style preprocessors (for now).

Please, be aware there's no auto detection for style preprocessors yet.

You can move styles out of component with -ce option

sveil g c example -ce

Or create component in separate folder with -s option

sveil g c example -s

If component already existed, then you can use -o option with little confirmation prompt (need to write component name)

sveil g c example -o

Generate Component State

More info about output file

sveil g cs main


sveil generate component-state main


- file main.ts generated in ...\src\lib\components\main\main.ts