This repository contains the site.conf and other configuration files for the Gluon-Firmware. For further Information (in German) please go to and read the article.
Gluon specific changes:
- firmware based on gluon 2015.1.x commit:
- includes gluon versions:
FFFL specific changes:
- based on site-fffl commit:
- removed public keys of wiflix, rene and flemming
- added public key of bigfoot
- modified structure of site.conf for compatibility with gluon 2015.1x
- modified GLUON_TARGET=ar71xx-generic by default autoupdater on by default
- fastd mesh vpn peer limit from 2 to 1 to reduce background traffic
- firmware based on gluon 2014.4.x commit c7687a2ae867c89d2c9906467b16e60a35d6e5f
- gluon-mesh-batman-adv-14
- added puplic keys from sven, horst, wiflix
- removed public keys from hendrik, drbob
- fastd method to salsa2012+umac for almost double vpn speed
- changed the version-naming to "gluonversion"-"ffflversion of that gluonversion"
- Added Public Key from Flemming for update signing
- Raised the number of valid signatures from 2 to 3 for beta and stable branch
- Added the Bugfix for the fastd-config-update Bug, see here:
- IPv6-Prefix Changed from a Global-Prefix (2001:bf7:10:1::/64) to an ULA-Prefix (fddf:bf7:10:1::/64)
- Removed all Gateways from the site.conf exept "Snowden" and "Urbach"
- Added two new Gateways to the site.conf (gw01,gw02) with new public keys
- Changed next_node address to ULA-Prefix (2001:bf7:10:1::1 -> fddf:bf7:10:1::1)
- Changed fastd-port from 10000 to 10006
- Removed the update mirror "2001:bf7:10:1:1::3"
- Added the update mirrors "fddf:bf7:10:1:1::1" and "fddf:bf7:10:1:1::2"
- Shortend the release-name for the Stable-Versions
- The short Names are now for official stabel Versions only!
- Changed MTU to 1406