JTaccuino is a JavaFX based notebook application for Java developers.
It is built for usages in education, interactive experimation with algorithms and possible more advanced use cases.
Java code execution is provided by JShell, the awesome Java REPL.
License: BSD-2-Clause license
flexmark-java is a Java implementation of CommonMark (spec 0.28) parser using the blocks first, inlines after Markdown parsing architecture.
License: GPL-3.0 license
Gluon presents a new JavaFX control, created with Java and JavaFX standard APIs, called the RichTextArea control. RichTextArea is a text input control which provides rich text features along with emoji, and non-text objects like images, tables and hyperlinks.
License: Apache-2.0 license
GemsFX is a collection of custom controls and utilities for JavaFX.
License: GPL-2.0 with Classpath Exception
OpenJFX is an open source, next generation client application platform for desktop, mobile and embedded systems based on JavaSE. It is a collaborative effort by many individuals and companies with the goal of producing a modern, efficient, and fully featured toolkit for developing rich client applications. This is the open source project where we develop JavaFX.
License: Eclipse Public License - v 2.0
Yasson is a Java framework which provides a standard binding layer between Java classes and JSON documents. This is similar to what JAXB is doing in the XML world. Yasson is an official reference implementation of JSON Binding.
License: Eclipse Public License - v 2.0
Jakarta JSON Binding
License: Apache-2.0 license
Apache Maven Artifact Resolver is a library for working with artifact repositories and dependency resolution.
The application uses Monaspace fonts provided by GitHub Next especially
- Monaspace Argon
- Monaspace Radon
both licensed under SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1
Icons used are downloaded from SVGRepo and converted to SVG paths useable in JavaFX by the SVG Path Extractor at JFXCentral.
Icons used are from the following collections
- Meteor Line Interface Icons
- License: MIT License
- Author: ShopWare
- Zest Interface Icons
- License: MIT License
- Author: zest
- Flat Icon Design Dark Vectors
- License: PD License
- Author: flat-icon-design