- WHOIS Lookup
- GeoIP Lookup
- HTTP Headers
- DNS Lookup
- Subnet Calculation
- Nmap Port Scan
- Sub-domain Finder
- Reverse IP Lookup
- SQL Injection Detection
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Detection
- Directory Traversal Detection
- Remote File Inclusion (RFI) Detection
- Local File Inclusion (LFI) Detection
- Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Detection
- Email Header Injection Detection
- Command Injection Detection
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Detection
- Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) Detection
- Open Redirect Detection
- XML External Entity (XXE) Detection
- SQL Injection: Tests for SQL errors using common payloads
- XSS: Tests for reflected XSS using script payloads
- Directory Traversal: Tests for file system access using path traversal payloads
- RFI: Tests for remote file inclusion using external URL payloads
- LFI: Tests for local file inclusion using system file paths
- SSRF: Tests for server-side request forgery using internal network payloads
- Email Header Injection: Tests for CRLF injection and email header manipulation vulnerabilities
- Command Injection: Tests for OS command execution vulnerabilities using system command payloads
- CSRF: Checks for missing CSRF tokens in forms and state-changing requests
- IDOR: Tests for insecure direct object references by comparing responses to different resource IDs
- Open Redirect: Tests for unsafe redirects using external domain payloads
- XXE: Tests for XML external entity injection using malicious XML payloads
All scans provide color-coded results:
- Red: Potential vulnerability found
- Green: No vulnerability detected
- Admin Panel Discovery
- Backup File Discovery
- General Site Crawling
- Clone the repository
- Run
sudo apt-get install php-curl php-xml
- Run
php grim.php
- Enter the target website (without http/https)
- Follow on screen instructions.
- PHP 7.0+
- cURL extension
- DOM extension
- Improve crawling functionality
Rework SQL injection detection scan.Add a feature to save the scan results to a file / database- Improve the user interface for the admin panel discovery
- Improve the user interface for the backup file discovery
GPL-3 License