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Getting started

Bas Jansen edited this page Feb 15, 2018 · 2 revisions

Good, you want to create your own plugin or widget. But where to start?!? Well, here is my little guide to help you on your way!


  • You need basic html, css and javascript knowledge
  • Know how javascript frameworks work (VueJS in particulair)
  • A good idea for a plugin or widget

Now that ain't hard is it? So let's get going on and get that puppy running.

You need to fork this github repo, and make sure that you work in the develop branch. Before you can run anything locally, you have to make a change within your hosts file (on mac os located in /etc/hosts). Just add homeydash.local to it.

Now it's time to test if everything can run properly. First make sure all the packages are installed, so from the root directory run npm install. After this is done you should be able to run npm run dev and the development server will start and a new browser window will open after building is done.

So, when you got no issues in the above steps everything should run.

To summary all the steps:

  • Fork the repo
  • Switch to the develop branch
  • Edit your HOSTS file
  • run npm install
  • run npm run dev

Now lets jump to the next step, what do you want to create a plugin or a widget?

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