Who deploys the deployers?
A CodePipeline to wrap another CodePipeline, allowing Continuous Deployment of pipeline configuration updates.
Wait, what now?
We at Symphonia are big fans of AWS, Continuous Deployment, and Infrastructure-as-Code. As such we use AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild whenever we can. And we always define our CodePipeline definitions within a CloudFormation template. Which is great, but what happens when this template changes?
Typically what we do is have a manual process to update the CloudFormation Stack that holds the CodePipeline definition. But manual updating of infrastructure is so 20th century - wouldn't it better just to commit the changes for the CodePipeline template to source control, and have them automatically be deployed? In other words can we continuously deploy our continuous deployment?
Why yes, we can. Welcome to Meta CodePipeline!
Meta CodePipeline is a separate CodePipeline that wraps your application's CodePipeline. It uses the same source control repository as your application, but only updates when the application pipeline template itself is updated.
This pattern is especially useful at the beginning of a project when the structure of the application is changing.
This project assumes you're using GitHub as your source repository, and that you can create a GitHub personal access token with appropriate admin permissions for it. See here for how to create a token - CodePipeline needs just the repo
scope permissions. I recommend you name the token for this particular pipeline, at least to get started, and that you store the token somewhere safe, like a password manager.
TODO - flesh this out a little more:
Meta CodePipeline is available in the AWS Serverless Application Repo here . To use this as a SAR nested app, follow the instructions below.
Create your application's CodePipeline as normal, and save it to your's application's source repo.
Now create a new template (e.g. meta-pipeline.yaml
) as follows:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: my-meta-codepipeline
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
# NoEcho set to true so that we aren't able to query this value
Type: String
NoEcho: true
MinLength: 40
MaxLength: 40
AllowedPattern: '[a-z0-9]*'
Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
ApplicationId: arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:073101298092:applications/meta-codepipeline
SemanticVersion: 1.0.1
GitHubOAuthToken: !Ref GitHubOAuthToken
GitHubBranch: YOUR-GITHUB-BRANCH (e.g. master)
Deploy this as follows - this will create your meta CodePipeline, which will create your application CodePipeline, which will create your application(s) . Substitute the name of your meta CodePipeline stack, and your GitHub repo :
aws cloudformation deploy \
--template-file meta-pipeline.yaml \
--parameter-overrides GitHubOAuthToken=**YOUR_GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN** \