Neat URL cleans URLs, removing parameters such as Google Analytics' utm parameters.
utm_source, utm_medium, utm_term, utm_content, utm_campaign, utm_reader, utm_place, utm_userid, utm_cid, utm_name, utm_pubreferrer, utm_swu, utm_viz_id, ga_source, ga_medium, ga_term, ga_content, ga_campaign, ga_place, yclid, _openstat, fb_action_ids, fb_action_types, fb_ref, fb_source, action_object_map, action_type_map, action_ref_map, gs_l, pd_rd_r@amazon.*, pd_rd_w@amazon.*, pd_rd_wg@amazon.*, _encoding@amazon.*, psc@amazon.*, ved@google.*, ei@google.*, sei@google.*, gws_rd@google.*, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], $/ref@amazon.&ast, _hsenc, mkt_tok, hmb_campaign, hmb_source, hmb_medium, fbclid, spReportId, spJobID, spUserID, spMailingID, utm_mailing, utm_brand, CNDID, mbid, trk, trkCampaign, sc_campaign, sc_channel, sc_content, sc_medium, sc_outcome, sc_geo, sc_country
Are you tired of handing over data to Google or other companies?
Do you want to see neater URLs?
Neat URL is just what you're looking for!
A parameter is something that starts with ?. You can add your own parameter in the options of Neat URL. The ? is ommitted in the options, so a ?ved parameter becomes "ved". There are a few exceptions to this rule (see below)
Parameters can be global (for every domain):
Parameters can contain @ signs (domain-specific):
Parameters can contain @ signs with a wildcard so every subdomain will match too:
Parameters can contain @ signs with a wildcard at the end of a domain name (matches every domain name which begins with "google" and ends in an unknown suffix:
Parameters can contain a wildcard at the end or before the domain sign:
Parameters can also apply globally (first rule), except for a (wilcard) domain (second rule):
The excluded domain always takes precedence. Should you include "ref" and "!ref", "!ref" will apply.
Other valid parameters - ending parameters (exceptions to the ? rule):
$/ref@amazon.* (remove everything after /ref on amazon domains - this will only apply when there are no query parameters left after removing the filtered query parameters. Exception: Amazon product pages parameters are cleaned like they contain two dollar signs)
$$/ref@amazon.* (remove everything after /ref on amazon domains - this will always apply, even when there are other query parameters after removing the filtered query parameters - this option is available because the user should be in control but beware that double dollar signs are dangerous, it might break the URL)
Other valid parameters - hash parameters (exceptions to the ? rule):
#xtor=RSS-8 (remove this parameter - be sure to include its value as well when you are using anchor tags)
#[email protected]
#?pk_campaign (normal parameters that come after a hash sign, for example this URL gets changed to
#[email protected] (same as above, but domain-matched instead of global)
Invalid parameters:
param@*.google.* (too many wildcards)
|ved (this is some random string - not supported, it will not work)
/ref@amazon.*$ (dollar sign should be at the beginning)
For [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
For [email protected], [email protected]
For #?[email protected], #?[email protected]
For tt_medium, tt_content
Other parameters you can consider: hsmi, algo_expid, algo_pvid, aqs, bav, bih, biw, btsid, bvm, cn, cp, csi, dpr, dq, ech, forward, gs_gbg, gs_mss, gs_rn, iact, icid, iid, ijn, mc_cid, mc_eid, ncid, ndsp, nid, nr_email_referer, oq, pbx, pf, pf_rd_i, pf_rd_m, pf_rd_p, pf_rd_r, pf_rd_s, pf_rd_t, pq, prmd, psi, ref, refsrc, sa, sclient, scroll, sr_share, stick, tbnid, vero_conv, vero_id, vet, ws_ab_test, yv
Neat URL is based on Lean URL.
Neat URL contains a few improvements:
- set your own URL parameters on the options page (to reach feature parity with Pure URL)
- fixed for recent Firefox versions
- a nice animation in the toolbar (can be changed or disabled)
- domain-specific blocked parameters (to reach feature parity with Pure URL)
- wildcard domain-specific blocked parameters
- wildcard at the end of blocked parameters (general or domain-specific)