Export JSON-format data to Excel like RDB or the exported data in Excel to JSON file.
- Python 3.8
- openpyxl
- xlsxwriter
- Windows10
- Excel 2016
- Export JSON-format data to Excel like RDB
from jsonexcel import ToExcel
to_excel = ToExcel(path) # path: JSON file path
to_excel.convert() # When export all data
to_excel.partial_convert(column name 1, column name 2, ...) # When export selected data
# if json_data is {'aa': 1, 'bb': {'cc': 2, 'dd': [1, 2, 3, 4]}},
# column name is like 'aa', 'bb.cc', 'bb.dd'.
- Export data in Excel to JSON file.
- The Excel must be the file output with convert method of ToExcel class.
from jsonexcel import FromExcel
from_excel = FromExcel(path) # path: Excel file path
from_excel.convert() # Export data to JSON file
indent=4, # If you need indent on JSON file, specify number.
replacement={'apps.app_id': 'app-id, 'price': 'prices'} # If you need to change key name, specify dict {compressed key: edited last_level key}.
- If hyphens(-) or dots(.) are found in keys in a JSON file, they are replaced with underbar(_) before exported to an Excel file.
- When exporting data in Excel to JSON file, specify argument(replacement) if you want to change keys in which hyphens or dots were replaced with underbar.
>>>python converter.py
- Select [ToExcel] tab.
- Click [Open] button to select a JSON file.
- If you need, click keys in the listbox to select data to be exported.
- If you want to cancel the selection, click the [Deselect] button.
- If [Deselect] button is clicked, all the selected keys are canceled.
- Click [Convert] button.
- Select [FromExcel] tab.
- Click [Open] button to select an Excel file.
- If you need, edit keys.
- Click a key you want to edit in the left listbox.
- The key you clicked is entered into the right textbox.
- Edit the key and click [OK] button.
- If [OK] button is clicked, the edited key is moved into the right listbox.
- If you want to cancel the edit, select the edited key in the right listbox and click [Deselect] button.
- Click [Convert] button.