A Sketch plugin that lets you save and load colors into the color picker.
Move the Sketch Palettes plugin into your Plugins folder. You can get access to that folder by opening the Plugins menu, and choosing "Reveal Plugins Folder..."
You can save color palettes from either the Global Colors section of the color picker or from the Document Colors section. Selecting "Save Palette..." in either menu will save those colors as a .sketchpalette file to whatever location you choose.
You can load colors into either the Global Colors section of the color picker or into the Document Colors section. Selecting "Load Palette..." from either menu will prompt you to open a .sketchpalette file containing the colors you want to load. This will replace whatever colors are currently in the selected section.
Known issue: if you are having trouble loading palettes, it might be because you are using an older palette file. The file format was changed to support transparent colors. Because of a change introduced in Sketch v39, backwards compatibilty was dropped. You may need to manually recreate the palette to be compatible with the latest versions of Sketch and this plugin.
Select "Clear Palette" to remove all colors from either the Global Colors section of the color picker or from the Document Colors section.
If you have any questions, find a bug, or have ideas for ways to improve the plugin, ping me on twitter: @andrewfiorillo
Also, big thanks to William O'Beirne for helping me with some of the trickier parts, like making sense of the class-dump of Sketch, to figure out how to use undocumented Sketch functionality.