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chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.5.27 #1539

chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.5.27

chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.5.27 #1539

Workflow file for this run

name: ⚙️ E2E tests
if: ${{ !contains(github.head_ref , 'release/') }}
name: E2E
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: taiga-family/ci/actions/setup/[email protected]
- uses: taiga-family/ci/actions/setup/[email protected]
- uses: taiga-family/ci/actions/setup/[email protected]
- name: Install Playwright Browsers
run: npx playwright install --with-deps chromium
- name: Building demo-app of git-branch without cache
run: npx nx prerender editor-demo
- uses: jacobtomlinson/gha-find-replace@v3
find: '<base href="./">'
replace: '<base href="/">'
include: '${{ env.DIST }}/index.html'
regex: false
- name: Serve ${{ env.DIST }} in background
run: |
npx ws --port ${{ env.NG_SERVER_PORT }} --directory ${{ env.DIST }} --spa index.html &
npx wait-on http://localhost:${{ env.NG_SERVER_PORT }}
- name: Run screenshot tests on ${{ env.DIST }}
run: npx nx e2e editor-demo-playwright -- --update-snapshots
- name: Download ${{ env.DIST_NEXT }} for serve locally
run: |
git clone \
--depth 1 \
--branch snapshots/demo/next/${{ github.base_ref }} \ ${{ env.DIST_NEXT }}
- uses: jacobtomlinson/gha-find-replace@v3
find: '<base href="./">'
replace: '<base href="/">'
include: '${{ env.DIST_NEXT }}/index.html'
regex: false
- name: Serve ${{ env.DIST_NEXT }} in background
run: |
npx ws --port ${{ env.NG_SERVER_PORT }} --directory ${{ env.DIST_NEXT }} --spa index.html &
npx wait-on http://localhost:${{ env.NG_SERVER_PORT }}
- name: Run screenshot tests on ${{ env.DIST_NEXT }}
continue-on-error: true
run: npx nx e2e-ui editor-demo-playwright
- name: Debug output
continue-on-error: true
run: tree ./projects/demo-playwright/tests-results
- name: Check if diff-output exists
id: diff-checker
run: |
echo "diff_exist=$(find ./total -regex '.*diff\.png$' | wc -l | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Fall with an error if diff-output exists
if: ${{ steps.diff-checker.outputs.diff_exist != '0' }}
run: |
find ./total -regex '.*diff\.png$' -exec echo "{}" \;
exit 1
group: e2e-${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true