My collection of AppleScript
Open Activity Monitor and click on Energy tab
- open_activity_monitor.applescript
Backup audio recordings from meetings using Carbon Copy Cloner.
- backup_audio_recordings.applescript
Close all Finder windows
- close_all_finder_windows.applescript
This is more suited as a macro in Stream Deck and can be done more easily by simulating a key press (Command + Option + W).
Eject All Disks
- eject_all_disks.applescript
Create a Comic Book Archive (.cbz) from a folder of images
- make_comic_book_archive.applescript
Open Home folder and other folder in the same Finder window
- open_home_folders.applescript
This doesn't actually work. I think the delay probably needs to be longer.
Open the current Safari window/tab in Google Chrome instead
- open_in_google_chrome.applescript
- ocr_pdf_documents_hazel
A support script for a Keyboard Maestro macro. It returns a number of selected items in Finder.
- km_count_finder_items.applescript
A support script for a Keyboard Maestro macro. It returns the name of current project file.
- set_garageband_project_name.applescript
Shows current screen resolution
- show_screen_resolution.applescript
Sets system output volume to 50%
- switch_to_normal_mode.applescript
Sets system output volume to 20%
- switch_to_quiet_mode.applescript
Add one star to the current track
- music_add_star_rating.applescript
Remove one star from the current track
- music_remove_star_rating.applescript
Toggle repeat mode in Music
- music_toggle_repeat_mode.applescript
Toggle shuffle mode in Music
- music_toggle_shuffle_mode.applescript
Open Flagged perspective in OmniFocus
- omnifocus_open_flagged.applescript
Open Forecast perspective in OmniFocus
Open Inbox in OmniFocus
- omnifocus_open_inbox.applescript
Open Projects perspective in OmniFocus
- omnifocus_open_projects.applescript
Open Review perspective in OmniFocus
- omnifocus_open_review.applescript
Open Tags perspective in OmniFocus
- omnifocus_open_tags.applescript
Create Keynote presentation slides from OmniOutliner
- create_keynotes_presentation.applescript
A generic Folder Action for running OCR on text from PDF documents
- ocr_pdf_documents_folder_action.applescript
A Hazel support script for running OCR on text from PDF documents
- ocr_pdf_documents_hazel.applescript
Export selected images from Photos and renames them using timestamps
- export_images.applescript
Save Safari window position and restore them
- save_safari_window_position.applescript
- search_spark_mailbox.applescript
It looks like Spark already performs mailbox search when I enter Command + Option + F. I'm not using this script anymore.
Backup my boot drive using SuperDuper!.
- backup_boot_drive.applescript
I am no longer using SuperDuper! and thus I am not using this script anymore.
Generic Folder Action script for adding new items to Yojimbo.
- drop_items_to_yojimbo_folder_action.applescript
Export selected images from Photos to Yojimbo
- export_images_to_yojimbo.applescript
Make a web archive from the current Safari tab/window in Yojimbo
- make_web_archive_in_yojimbo.applescript