This template contains all of the most famous and useful plugins.
- Compile SCSS/SASS to CSS.
- Cleans unused styles and minifying CSS.
- It have CSS autoprefixer for better browsers compability.
- Compile Jade/Pug to HTML.
- Make your JavaScript code "es2015"(ES6) and newer to "es2011"(ES5).
- Makes it possible to use node.js modules for the browsers.
- Makes it possible use async/await in old browsers.
- It have browserSync plugin. This making autoreload page, when files have changed.
- Reduces the size of pictures with formats: jpg,jpeg,svg,gif and png.
- Making sprites from png and svg files.
- Also contains Yarn for more faster downloads and easier installation dependencies.
Before you begin, you need to download and install node.js.
Download this template and unpackage in a folder.
To get started use, you need open the folder with template and initialize by this commands in console:
If you don't have Yarn, you must installed it by this command globaly:
$ npm install yarn -G
And now, you can easily install all needed modules by this command:
$ yarn
- Then you can start use Gulp tasks by this commands:
$ gulp preload
- this task need to prepare your workflow in the src/ folder.$ gulp
- default task for watching all changes in the src/ folder.$ gulp build
- this task compiling all files in the src/ folder and deploy to dist/ folder. Use this command, when your project is done to production.$ gulp clearcached
- just clearning all cache from memory.
- Don't use numbers at the beginning of names for svg/png icons in src/img/Sprites/SpritesSrc directory.