Send a text message to your registered Vonage phone number and receive a text-to-voice call with the latest stock information. Handles webhooks to receive incoming text messages and outgoing phone call events.
Before installing, you will need the following:
A new application from with voice capabilities.
Configure a new number and link it to your application.
An Alpha Advantage free API key.
A running instance of redis.
$ redis-server
For local development, ngrok running locally
$ ngrok http 5000
Fill in the .env-example file with the API information, private key, phone number and application ID, rename to .env.
Add event and answer URLs to your Vonage application:
Add the
urls to your account in the Default SMS Setting. -
Add the
urls to your application settings under voice capabilities.
Clone the repository
$ git clone [email protected]:talaniz/vonage-stock.git && cd vonage-stock
Create a virtualenv and install requirements
$ virtualenv -p $(which python3) nexmo-stock && source nexmo-stock/bin/activate
...created virtual environment
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the rq worker application
$ rq worker
14:13:41 Worker rq:worker:afb23ac5ea4e4b129e8a9aea55c0a83f: started, version 1.4.2
In another terminal, start the application
$ cd /path/to/nexmo-stock && source bin/activate
$ export
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ flask run
* Serving Flask app "" (lazy loading)
Send a text to your configured number with a company name or publicly traded stock symbol and answer the call.