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[ICML 2022] Official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Unsupervised Image Representation Learning with Deep Latent Particles"


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[ICML 2022] Official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Unsupervised Image Representation Learning with Deep Latent Particles"

DLPv2 and DDLP (DLP for video generation) have been released: DDLP: Unsupervised Object-Centric Video Prediction with Deep Dynamic Latent Particles

[ICML 2022] Unsupervised Image Representation Learning with Deep Latent Particles

Tal DanielAviv Tamar

Official repository of the paper

ICML 2022

Open In Colab

Deep Latent Particles

Unsupervised Image Representation Learning with Deep Latent Particles
Tal Daniel, Aviv Tamar

Abstract: We propose a new representation of visual data that disentangles object position from appearance. Our method, termed Deep Latent Particles (DLP), decomposes the visual input into low-dimensional latent ``particles'', where each particle is described by its spatial location and features of its surrounding region. To drive learning of such representations, we follow a VAE-based approach and introduce a prior for particle positions based on a spatial-softmax architecture, and a modification of the evidence lower bound loss inspired by the Chamfer distance between particles. We demonstrate that our DLP representations are useful for downstream tasks such as unsupervised keypoint (KP) detection, image manipulation, and video prediction for scenes composed of multiple dynamic objects. In addition, we show that our probabilistic interpretation of the problem naturally provides uncertainty estimates for particle locations, which can be used for model selection, among other tasks.


Daniel, Tal, and Aviv Tamar. "Unsupervised Image Representation Learning with Deep Latent Particles." Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2022.

  title = 	 {Unsupervised Image Representation Learning with Deep Latent Particles},
  author =       {Daniel, Tal and Tamar, Aviv},
  booktitle = 	 {Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning},
  pages = 	 {4644--4665},
  year = 	 {2022},
  volume = 	 {162},
  series = 	 {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
  month = 	 {17--23 Jul},
  publisher =    {PMLR}

Paper on ArXiv: 2205.15821


  • For your convenience, we provide an environemnt.yml file which installs the required packages in a conda environment named torch. Alternatively, you can use pip to install requirements.txt.
    • Use the terminal or an Anaconda Prompt and run the following command conda env create -f environment.yml.
    • For PyTorch 1.7 + CUDA 10.2: environment17.yml, requirements17.txt
    • For PyTorch 1.9 + CUDA 11.1: environment19.yml, requirements19.txt
Library Version
Python 3.7 (Anaconda)
torch > = 1.7.1
torch_geometric > = 1.7.1
torchvision > = 0.4
matplotlib > = 2.2.2
numpy > = 1.17
py-opencv > = 3.4.2
tqdm > = 4.36.1
scipy > = 1.3.1
scikit-image > = 0.18.1
accelerate > = 0.3.0

Pretrained Models

  • We provide pre-trained checkpoints for the 3 datasets we used in the paper.
  • All model checkpoints should be placed inside the /checkpoints directory.
  • The interactive demo will use these checkpoints.
Dataset Filename Link
CelebA (128x128) dlp_celeba_gauss_pointnetpp_feat.pth
Traffic (128x128) dlp_traffic_gauss_pointnetpp.pth
CLEVRER (128x128) dlp_clevrer_gauss_pointnetpp.pth

Interactive Demo

  • We designed a simple matplotlib interactive GUI to plot and control the particles.
  • The demo is a standalone and does not require to download the original datasets.
  • We provide sample images inside /checkpoints/sample_images/ which will be used.

To run the demo (after downloading the checkpoints): python --help

  • -d: dataset to use: [celeba, traffic, clevrer]
  • -i: index of the image to use inside /checkpoints/sample_images/


  • python -d celeba -i 2
  • python -d traffic -i 0
  • python -d clevrer -i 0

You can modify to add additional datasets.


  • CelebA: we follow DVE:
    • Download the dataset from this link.
    • The pre-processing is described in datasets/
  • CLEVRER: download the training and validation videos from here:
    • Training Videos , Validation Videos
    • Follow the pre-processing in datasets/ (prepare_numpy_file(path_to_img, image_size=128, frameskip=3, start_frame=26)
  • Traffic: this is a self-collected dataset, please contact us if you wish to use it.
  • Shapes: this dataset is generated automatically in each run for simplicity, see generate_shape_dataset_torch() in datasets/


You can train the model on single-GPU machines and multi-GPU machines. For multi-GPU training We use HuggingFace Accelerate: pip install accelerate.

  1. Set visible GPUs under: os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0, 1, 2, 3" (NUM_GPUS=4)
  2. Set "num_processes": NUM_GPUS in accel_conf.json (e.g. "num_processes":4 if os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0, 1, 2, 3").
  • Single-GPU machines: python --help
  • Multi-GPU machines: accelerate --config_file ./accel_conf.json --help

You should run the or files with the following arguments:

Argument Description Legal Values
-h, --help shows arguments description
-d, --dataset dataset to train on str: 'celeba', traffic', 'clevrer', 'shapes'
-o, --override if specified, the code will override the default hyper-parameters with the ones specified with argparse (command line) bool: default=False
-l, --lr learning rate float: default=2e-4
-b, --batch_size batch size int: default=32
-n, --num_epochs total number of epochs to run int: default=100
-e, --eval_freq evaluation epoch frequency int: defalut=2
-s, --sigma the prior std of the keypoints float: default=0.1
-p, --prefix string prefix for logging str: default=""
-r, --beta_rec beta coefficient for the reconstruction loss float: default=1.0
-k, --beta_kl beta coefficient for the kl divergence float: default=1.0
-c, --kl_balance coefficient for the balance between the ChamferKL (for the KP) and the standard KL float: default=0.001
-v, --rec_loss_function type of reconstruction loss: 'mse', 'vgg' str: default="mse"
--n_kp_enc number of posterior kp to be learned int: default=30
--n_kp_enc_prior number of kp to filter from the set of prior kp int: default=50
--dec_bone decoder backbone:'gauss_pointnetpp_feat': Masked Model, 'gauss_pointnetpp': Object Model" str: default="gauss_pointnetpp"
--patch_size patch size for the prior KP proposals network (not to be confused with the glimpse size) int: default=8
--learned_feature_dim the latent visual features dimensions extracted from glimpses int: default=10
--use_object_enc set True to use a separate encoder to encode visual features of glimpses bool: default=False
--use_object_dec set True to use a separate decoder to decode glimpses (Object Model) bool: default=False
--warmup_epoch number of epochs where only the object decoder is trained int: default=2
--anchor_s defines the glimpse size as a ratio of image_size float: default=0.25
--exclusive_patches set True to enable non-overlapping object patches bool: default=False


  • Single-GPU:

python --dataset shapes

python --dataset celeba

python --dataset clevrer -o --use_object_enc --use_object_dec --warmup_epoch 1 --beta_kl 40.0 --rec_loss_function vgg --learned_feature_dim 6

  • Multi-GPU:

accelerate --config_file ./accel_conf.json --dataset celeba

accelerate --config_file ./accel_conf.json --dataset clevrer -o --use_object_enc --use_object_dec --warmup_epoch 1 --beta_kl 40.0 --rec_loss_function vgg --learned_feature_dim 6

  • Note: if you want multiple multi-GPU runs, each run should have a different accelerate config file ( e.g., accel_conf.json, accel_conf_2.json, etc..). The only difference between the files should be the main_process_port field (e.g., for the second config file, set main_process_port: 81231).

Evaluation of Unsupervised Keypoint Regression on CelebA

Linear regression of supervised keypoints on the MAFL dataset it performed during training on the CelebA dataset.

To evaluate a saved checkpoint of the model: modify the hyper-parameters and paths in, and then use python to calculate and print the normalized error with respect to intra-occular distance.

Recommended Hyper-parameters

Dataset dec_bone (model type) n_kp_enc n_kp_prior rec_loss_func beta_kl kl_balance patch_size anchor_s learned_feature_dim
CelebA (celeba) gauss_pointnetpp_feat 30 50 vgg 40 0.001 8 0.125 10
Traffic (traffic) gauss_pointnetpp 15 20 vgg 30 0.001 16 0.25 20
CLEVRER (clevrer) gauss_pointnetpp 10 20 vgg 40 0.001 16 0.25 5
Shapes (shapes) gauss_pointnetpp 10 15 mse 0.1 0.001 8 0.25 6

Repository Organization

File name Content
/checkpoints directory for pre-trained checkpoints and sample images for the interactive demo
/datasets directory containing data loading classes for the various datasets
/eval/ evaluation functions such as evaluating the ELBO
/modules/ basic neural network blocks used to implement the DLP model
/utils/ implementation of the TPS augmentation used for training on CelebA
/utils/ loss functions used to optimize the model such as Chamfer-KL and perceptual (VGG) loss
/utils/ utility functions such as logging and plotting functions functions to evaluate the normalized error of keypoint linear regression with respect to intra-occular distance for the MAFL/CelebA dataset implementation of the DLP model training function of DLP for single-GPU machines training function of DLP for multi-GPU machines
dlp_tutorial.ipynb Jupyter Notebook tutorial for explaining and training DLP on the random shapes dataset matplotlib-based interactive demo to plot and interact with learned particles
environment17/19.yml Anaconda environment file to install the required dependencies
requirements17/19.txt requirements file for pip
accel_conf.json configuration file for accelerate to run training on multiple GPUs



[ICML 2022] Official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Unsupervised Image Representation Learning with Deep Latent Particles"







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