- Clone the repo
- Run
cp .env.sample .env
to create a.env
file at the project root directory and change the environment variables as you wish. - Open a terminal in the project root and run
yarn install
to install the project dependencies. - Run
export NODE_ENV={environment}
firstnpx sequelize db:migrate
to migrate database tables.environment
can be one of 3 -development
- Run
yarn start
to start the development server - Run
yarn build
to start the production server
The project is configured with Eslint and Prettier, assuming to use VSCode as IDE
- Please use VSCode
- Install Eslint and Prettier extensions in your VSCode
- The project is configured to format the code lines automatically when save a file
- express for APIs
- postgreSQL for database
- morgan & winston for logger
- dotenv for environment variables
- sequelize as ORM for postgreSQL
- Json web token for authentication
- Create CodePipleline
- Create Application
- Create Deployment Group