This is seed project for Golang stack. It provides minimal but fully functional project structure for project
Project is based on Gitter8 templating engine.
- With SBT new
sbt new
or with
- With Gitter8
Project contains couple of variables that you have to accept or change during (you will be prompted to change them):
name = golang-seed-change-me namespace = kubertnetes-namespace-change-me
kafkatopic = USR.EVENT.blackbeard.article.view kafkabrokers = kakfaconsumergroup = flint_test prometheusendpoint = localhost:8081 redishost = localhost redisport = 6379 redisdb = 0 rediskey= users redisusergroups = user_groups
Note that files tdaci.env
and tdaci.yml
can be ignored.
Any improvements and suggestions can be sent via pull request or by email.