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[configuration panel] refine configuration panel layout, event handle…
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yuqisun committed Jul 21, 2024
1 parent 47c31fe commit 60bd277
Showing 1 changed file with 173 additions and 89 deletions.
262 changes: 173 additions & 89 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -675,13 +675,15 @@ def leave(event):

def clickTile(ID):
# widgets["fuConfigPannel"].configure(text='Tile ' + str(ID) + ' functional units')
widgets["fuConfigPannelLabel"].configure(text='Tile ' + str(ID) + ' functional units')
widgets["fuConfigPannelLabel"].configure(text='Tile ' + str(ID) + '\nfunctional units')
# widgets["xbarConfigPannel"].config(text='Tile ' + str(ID) + ' crossbar outgoing links')
widgets["xbarConfigPannelLabel"].configure(text='Tile ' + str(ID) + ' crossbar outgoing links')
widgets["xbarConfigPannelLabel"].configure(text='Tile ' + str(ID) + '\ncrossbar outgoing links')
widgets["centralRadioButton"].configure(text='Tile ' + str(ID))
# After clicking the tile, the pannel will fill all directions
widgets["xbarConfigPannel"].grid(columnspan=4, row=9, column=0, rowspan=3, sticky="nsew")
# widgets["xbarConfigPannel"].grid(columnspan=4, row=9, column=0, rowspan=3, sticky="nsew")
widgets["entireTileCheckbutton"].configure(text='Disable entire Tile ' + str(ID), state="normal")
# widgets["spmConfigPannel"].grid_forget()
paramCGRA.targetTileID = ID

disabled = paramCGRA.getTileOfID(ID).disabled
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1482,22 +1484,24 @@ def _on_mousewheel(canvas, event):
def create_cgra_pannel(master, rows, columns):
ROWS = rows
COLS = columns
# master.grid_propagate(0)
# Use solid black board to let the pannel look better
cgraPannel = customtkinter.CTkFrame(master)
# cgraPannel = tkinter.LabelFrame(master, text='CGRA', bd=BORDER, relief='groove')
cgraPannel.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=1, columnspan=1, padx=(5, 5), pady=(5, 5), sticky="nsew")

# cgraPannel.pack()
# cgraPannel.grid_propagate(0)
# create label for cgraPannel
cgraLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(cgraPannel, text='CGRA', font=customtkinter.CTkFont(size=FRAME_LABEL_LEVEL_1_FONT_SIZE, weight="bold"))
# cgraLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
cgraLabel.pack(anchor="w", ipadx=5)

canvas = customtkinter.CTkCanvas(cgraPannel, bg='#2B2B2B', bd=0, highlightthickness=0)
# with Windows OS
canvas.bind_all("<MouseWheel>", partial(_on_mousewheel, canvas))
# canvas.bind_all("<MouseWheel>", partial(_on_mousewheel, canvas))
# with Linux OS
canvas.bind_all("<Button-4>", partial(_on_mousewheel, canvas))
canvas.bind_all("<Button-5>", partial(_on_mousewheel, canvas))
# canvas.bind_all("<Button-4>", partial(_on_mousewheel, canvas))
# canvas.bind_all("<Button-5>", partial(_on_mousewheel, canvas))

widgets["canvas"] = canvas
baseX = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1633,7 +1637,7 @@ def place_fu_options(master):
fuCheckbuttons[fuTypeList[i]] = fuCheckbutton
paramCGRA.updateFuCheckbutton(fuTypeList[i], fuVar.get())
fuCheckbutton.grid(row=(i // 4) + 1, column=i % 4, padx=15, pady=15, sticky="nsew")
fuCheckbutton.grid(row=(i // 2), column=i % 2, pady=10)

def place_xbar_options(master):
Expand All @@ -1654,20 +1658,41 @@ def place_xbar_options(master):
if portType in paramCGRA.getTileOfID(0).neverUsedOutPorts:

xbarCheckbutton.grid(row=(i // 4)+1, column=i % 4, padx=15, pady=15, sticky="nsew")

# xbarCheckbutton.grid(row=(i // 3)+1, column=i % 3, padx=15, pady=15, sticky="nsew")
if i== PORT_NORTH:
xbarCheckbutton.grid(row=(0) + 0, column=1, padx=0, pady=30)
elif i== PORT_SOUTH:
xbarCheckbutton.grid(row=(2) + 0, column=1, padx=0, pady=30)
elif i== PORT_WEST:
xbarCheckbutton.grid(row=(1) + 0, column=0, padx=0, pady=30)
elif i== PORT_EAST:
xbarCheckbutton.grid(row=(1) + 0, column=2, padx=0, pady=30)
xbarCheckbutton.grid(row=(0) + 0, column=0, padx=0, pady=30)
xbarCheckbutton.grid(row=(0) + 0, column=2, padx=0, pady=30)
xbarCheckbutton.grid(row=(2) + 0, column=2, padx=0, pady=30)
xbarCheckbutton.grid(row=(2) + 0, column=0, padx=0, pady=30)

centralRadioButton = customtkinter.CTkRadioButton(master, text='Tile 0', variable=tkinter.IntVar(value=0))
centralRadioButton.grid(row=(1) + 0, column=1, padx=0, pady=30)
widgets["centralRadioButton"] = centralRadioButton

def create_param_pannel(master):
# paramPannel = tkinter.LabelFrame(master, text='Configuration', bd=BORDER, relief='groove')
paramPannel = customtkinter.CTkFrame(master)
paramPannel = customtkinter.CTkFrame(master, width=550, height=480)
paramPannel.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=1, columnspan=1, sticky="nsew")

# Use columnconfigure and rowconfigure to partition the columns, so that each column and row will fill the corresponding space
# The 'weight' represents the weight of the corresponding row/column length
for i in range(13):
for i in range(9):
paramPannel.rowconfigure(i, weight=1)
for i in range(3):
paramPannel.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)
configurationLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(paramPannel, text='Configuration', font=customtkinter.CTkFont(size=FRAME_LABEL_LEVEL_1_FONT_SIZE, weight="bold"))
configurationLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, ipadx=5, sticky="w")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1727,99 +1752,158 @@ def create_param_pannel(master):
entireTileCheckbutton.grid(row=4, column=0)
widgets["entireTileCheckbutton"] = entireTileCheckbutton

# Data SPM outgoing links
spmConfigPannel = customtkinter.CTkFrame(paramPannel)
spmConfigPannel.grid(row=5, column=0, rowspan=2, pady=(5,0), sticky="nsew")
widgets["spmConfigPannel"] = spmConfigPannel
# spmConfigPannel.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
# spmConfigPannel.rowconfigure(1, weight=3)
# for i in range(4):
# spmConfigPannel.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)
# spmConfigPannel.grid_propagate(0)
spmConfigPannelLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(spmConfigPannel, text='Data SPM\noutgoing links',
weight="bold", slant='italic'))
# spmConfigPannelLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
# spmConfigPannelLabel.grid_propagate(0)
spmConfigScrollablePannel = customtkinter.CTkScrollableFrame(spmConfigPannel, height=240)
# spmConfigScrollablePannel.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="nsew")

spmOutlinksSwitches = []
# for i in range(10):
# switch = customtkinter.CTkSwitch(spmConfigScrollablePannel, text=f"link {i}")
# # switch.grid(row=i + 1, column=0, padx=5, pady=(0, 10))
# switch.pack(pady=(5, 10))
# scrollable_frame_switches.append(switch)
for port in paramCGRA.dataSPM.outLinks:
if not paramCGRA.dataSPM.outLinks[port].disabled:
switch = customtkinter.CTkSwitch(spmConfigScrollablePannel, text=f"link {port}")
switch.pack(pady=(5, 10))
switch = customtkinter.CTkSwitch(spmConfigScrollablePannel, text=f"link {port}")
switch.pack(pady=(5, 10))
widgets['spmOutlinksSwitches'] = spmOutlinksSwitches

# Tile x functional units
fuConfigPannel = customtkinter.CTkFrame(paramPannel)
fuConfigPannel.grid(columnspan=4, row=5, column=0, rowspan=4, pady=(5,5), sticky="nsew")
fuConfigPannel.grid(row=5, column=1, rowspan=4, padx=(5,5), pady=(5,0), sticky="nsew")
widgets["fuConfigPannel"] = fuConfigPannel

# Use columnconfigure to partition the columns, so that each column fills the corresponding space
for i in range(4):
fuConfigPannel.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)
fuConfigPannelLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(fuConfigPannel, text='Tile 0 functional units',
weight="bold", slant='italic'))
fuConfigPannelLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, ipadx=5, pady=(5, 0), sticky="w")
# for i in range(2):
# fuConfigPannel.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)
# fuConfigPannel.grid_propagate(0)
fuConfigPannelLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(fuConfigPannel, text='Tile 0\nfunctional units',
weight="bold", slant='italic'))
# fuConfigPannelLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
widgets["fuConfigPannelLabel"] = fuConfigPannelLabel
fuConfigSubPannel = customtkinter.CTkFrame(fuConfigPannel)
for i in range(2):
fuConfigSubPannel.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)

# Tile x crossbar outgoing links
xbarConfigPannel = customtkinter.CTkFrame(paramPannel)
xbarConfigPannel.grid(columnspan=4, row=9, column=0, rowspan=3, sticky="nsew")
xbarConfigPannel.grid(row=5, column=2, rowspan=4, pady=(5, 0), sticky="nsew")
widgets["xbarConfigPannel"] = xbarConfigPannel

# Use columnconfigure to partition the columns, so that each column fills the corresponding space
for i in range(4):
xbarConfigPannel.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)
xbarConfigPannelLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(xbarConfigPannel, text='Tile 0 crossbar outgoing links',
# for i in range(3):
# xbarConfigPannel.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)
# for i in range(4):
# xbarConfigPannel.rowconfigure(i, weight=1)
# xbarConfigPannel.grid_propagate(0)
xbarConfigPannelLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(xbarConfigPannel, text='Tile 0\ncrossbar outgoing links',
weight="bold", slant='italic'))
xbarConfigPannelLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, ipadx=5, pady=(5, 0), sticky="w")
# xbarConfigPannelLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
widgets["xbarConfigPannelLabel"] = xbarConfigPannelLabel

spmConfigPannel = tkinter.LabelFrame(paramPannel, text='Data SPM outgoing links', bd=BORDER, relief='groove')
spmConfigPannel.grid(row=9, column=0, rowspan=3, columnspan=4, sticky="nsew")
widgets["spmConfigPannel"] = spmConfigPannel

# Use columnconfigure and rowconfigure to partition the columns, so that each column and row fills the corresponding space
xbarConfigSubPannel = customtkinter.CTkFrame(xbarConfigPannel)
for i in range(3):
spmConfigPannel.rowconfigure(i, weight=1)
for i in range(5):
spmConfigPannel.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)

spmEnabledOutVar = tkinter.IntVar()
spmDisabledOutVar = tkinter.IntVar()

spmEnabledLabel = tkinter.Label(spmConfigPannel)
spmDisabledLabel = tkinter.Label(spmConfigPannel)

spmEnabledScrollbar = tkinter.Scrollbar(spmEnabledLabel)
spmDisabledScrollbar = tkinter.Scrollbar(spmDisabledLabel)

spmEnabledListbox = tkinter.Listbox(spmEnabledLabel, listvariable=spmEnabledOutVar)
spmDisabledListbox = tkinter.Listbox(spmDisabledLabel, listvariable=spmDisabledOutVar)

widgets["spmEnabledListbox"] = spmEnabledListbox
widgets["spmDisabledListbox"] = spmDisabledListbox

spmDisableButton = tkinter.Button(spmConfigPannel, text="Disable", relief='raised', command=clickSPMPortDisable,
highlightbackground="black", highlightthickness=HIGHLIGHT_THICKNESS)
spmEnableButton = tkinter.Button(spmConfigPannel, text="Enable", relief='raised', command=clickSPMPortEnable,
highlightbackground="black", highlightthickness=HIGHLIGHT_THICKNESS)
spmEnabledLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=3, sticky="nsew")

spmEnabledScrollbar.pack(side=tkinter.RIGHT, fill=tkinter.Y)

spmDisableArrow0 = tkinter.Label(spmConfigPannel, text="=>")
spmDisableArrow1 = tkinter.Label(spmConfigPannel, text="=>")
spmEnableArrow0 = tkinter.Label(spmConfigPannel, text="<=")
spmEnableArrow1 = tkinter.Label(spmConfigPannel, text="<=")

spmDisableArrow0.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="nsew")
spmDisableButton.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="nsew")
spmDisableArrow1.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky="nsew")

spmEnableArrow0.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky="nsew")
spmEnableButton.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky="nsew")
spmEnableArrow1.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky="nsew")

spmDisabledLabel.grid(row=0, column=4, rowspan=3, sticky="new")

spmDisabledScrollbar.pack(side=tkinter.RIGHT, fill=tkinter.Y)

for port in paramCGRA.dataSPM.outLinks:
if not paramCGRA.dataSPM.outLinks[port].disabled:
spmEnabledListbox.insert(0, port)
xbarConfigSubPannel.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)
for i in range(3):
xbarConfigSubPannel.rowconfigure(i, weight=1)

# spmConfigPannel = tkinter.LabelFrame(paramPannel, text='Data SPM outgoing links', bd=BORDER, relief='groove')
# spmConfigPannel.grid(row=9, column=0, rowspan=3, columnspan=4, sticky="nsew")
# widgets["spmConfigPannel"] = spmConfigPannel
# # Use columnconfigure and rowconfigure to partition the columns, so that each column and row fills the corresponding space
# for i in range(3):
# spmConfigPannel.rowconfigure(i, weight=1)
# for i in range(5):
# spmConfigPannel.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)
# spmEnabledOutVar = tkinter.IntVar()
# spmDisabledOutVar = tkinter.IntVar()
# spmEnabledLabel = tkinter.Label(spmConfigPannel)
# spmDisabledLabel = tkinter.Label(spmConfigPannel)
# spmEnabledScrollbar = tkinter.Scrollbar(spmEnabledLabel)
# spmDisabledScrollbar = tkinter.Scrollbar(spmDisabledLabel)
# spmEnabledListbox = tkinter.Listbox(spmEnabledLabel, listvariable=spmEnabledOutVar)
# spmDisabledListbox = tkinter.Listbox(spmDisabledLabel, listvariable=spmDisabledOutVar)
# widgets["spmEnabledListbox"] = spmEnabledListbox
# widgets["spmDisabledListbox"] = spmDisabledListbox
# spmDisableButton = tkinter.Button(spmConfigPannel, text="Disable", relief='raised', command=clickSPMPortDisable,
# highlightbackground="black", highlightthickness=HIGHLIGHT_THICKNESS)
# spmEnableButton = tkinter.Button(spmConfigPannel, text="Enable", relief='raised', command=clickSPMPortEnable,
# highlightbackground="black", highlightthickness=HIGHLIGHT_THICKNESS)
# spmEnabledScrollbar.config(command=spmEnabledListbox.yview)
# spmEnabledListbox.config(yscrollcommand=spmEnabledScrollbar.set)
# spmDisabledScrollbar.config(command=spmDisabledListbox.yview)
# spmDisabledListbox.config(yscrollcommand=spmDisabledScrollbar.set)
# spmEnabledLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=3, sticky="nsew")
# spmEnabledScrollbar.pack(side=tkinter.RIGHT, fill=tkinter.Y)
# spmEnabledListbox.pack()
# spmDisableArrow0 = tkinter.Label(spmConfigPannel, text="=>")
# spmDisableArrow1 = tkinter.Label(spmConfigPannel, text="=>")
# spmEnableArrow0 = tkinter.Label(spmConfigPannel, text="<=")
# spmEnableArrow1 = tkinter.Label(spmConfigPannel, text="<=")
# spmDisableArrow0.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="nsew")
# spmDisableButton.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="nsew")
# spmDisableArrow1.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky="nsew")
# spmEnableArrow0.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky="nsew")
# spmEnableButton.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky="nsew")
# spmEnableArrow1.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky="nsew")
# spmDisabledLabel.grid(row=0, column=4, rowspan=3, sticky="new")
# spmDisabledScrollbar.pack(side=tkinter.RIGHT, fill=tkinter.Y)
# spmDisabledListbox.pack()
# spmEnabledListbox.delete(0)
# spmDisabledListbox.delete(0)
# for port in paramCGRA.dataSPM.outLinks:
# if not paramCGRA.dataSPM.outLinks[port].disabled:
# spmEnabledListbox.insert(0, port)

def create_test_pannel(master):
Expand Down

9 comments on commit 60bd277

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@yuqisun yuqisun commented on 60bd277 Jul 21, 2024

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  1. adjust layout
  2. use 'switch' component for Data SPM outgoing links and make it always shows
  3. display Tile crossbar outgoing link checkbox as NSEW locations

configuration panel  refine configuration panel layout

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This looks fantastic! Can we add scrollbar into the functional units and outgoing links panels?

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Do we need scrollbar? as the number of components in 'functional units' and 'outgoing links' will not change right?

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The scrollbar can serve as the border (like the data spm).

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it looks too many scrollbars ...


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I like this more :-)
But did you see the Data SPM is different from the func units and outgoing links? It looks like the Data SPM has less panel/layer than the other two panels?

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NB, you captured such a trivial difference.
This is a rapidly changing version for UI review, there's an extra subpanel in the other twos, will update to align same as Data SPM.

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Updated to use scrollable frame for 'functional units' and 'outgoing links'.
configuration panel  use scrollable frame for functional units and xbar outgoing links

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