32146 commits
to main
since this release
- TSMA can handle historical and out-of-order data
- Performance optimization in a lot of querying scenarios on a super table: last_row(), last(), cound(*), avg(), max(), min(), limit
- Security improvement by RPC integrity check
- Optimized error message when client version doesn't match with the server
- Performance improvement for select * from ins_tables
- "show dnode variables" can be used with like clause
- "show cluster variables" can show the cluster level configurations
- "show vgroup" added a new state: restore
- Table length is checked when adding a new column
- Enhanced the atomicity of vnode commit
- Improved stability
Fixed OOM & Crash:
- OOM in case of "select *" from a super table
- taosd crash causedby interp()
- taosd hangs in cloud service
- taosd OOM after long time data writing
- OOM caused by taosc in taosBenchmark and taosAdapter
- Some crashes occurred in case of replica=3
- mnode failed to restart because of corrupted metadata
- taosd crash caused by not deleting the index of deleted tables
- taosd crash caused by last_row()
- taosd crash caused by querying with group by and where condition
- taosd crash caused by querying data from deleted tables
- taosd crash caused by "show create table" on a table of 4,000 columns
- taosd crash caused by count(*)
- taos crash caused by broken network
- taos crash caused by completing the command automatically
- Some other crash problems
Fixed functional bugs:
- last() doesn't return result even though there is data
- Pseudo column _irowts returns zero timestamp
- The number of rows returned by count(*) is larger than actual data size by one
- "show create database" doesn't show cachesize parameter
- Wrong result returned by apercentile()
- Reesults are different when querying with "group by" and "where" on same tag
- Incorrect sequence returned by order by
- Two mnodes are in "candidate" and one is in "leader"