Presentations in Shell and Terminal – shush all distractions, focus on content.
PShT is a tool to run presentations in the terminal, using a simple one-file-per-slide approach. It comes with tools that make the creation of presentations simple and convenient, including a custom pandoc writer to generate slides from Markdown.
The biggest feature of PShT is that it allows to combine
- slides and
- live demos
in the terminal: I like to have slides that give structure to a presentation, but, whenever I talked about command line tools, I found myself switching to the terminal to demonstrate specific commands. This was especially true in highly interactive talks, where questions from the audience are frequent, and best answered by a live demonstration. I found these switches annoying, and PShT is my method to scratch this itch, and to have a way to type a command while still showing a slide.
PShT is a library of POSIX shell functions. It provides a simple
and standardized way to step through slides. Any text file or
script can serve as a slide, as long as it's in the _slides
The _slides
folder in the source repository can serve as an
A list of current shortcomings that I'd like to improve:
- Tables shouldn't be dropped.
- Centering isn't working yet.
- Support for columns is missing.
- Docs!
- Generate zip output by default?
- Use skylighting for code blocks.
- Improve styling, esp. headings.