A program that displays word count of a file.
# Cargo
cargo install word_counter
# Homebrew
brew tap tasnimAlam/word-counter
brew install tasnimAlam/word-counter/word_counter
$ ./word_counter poem.txt --top 4 --max --duration
| Maximum count | the | 4 |
| Word | Count |
| the | 4 |
| and | 3 |
| God | 3 |
| lover | 3 |
Duration : 2ms
$ ./word_counter --help
A program that displays word count of a file.
word_counter [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <input>
-d, --duration Duration of all the calculations
-h, --help Prints help information
-r, --reverse Reverse order
-m, --max Show most counted word
-V, --version Prints version information
-o, --output <output> Output file
-s, --search <search> Search specific word
-t, --top <top> Top result limit [default: 10]
<input> Input file