A nodejs lightweight library wrapper to telegram bot api
if you want learn more about Telegram bots
After try make may own bot with currents nodejs libraries ( Telegraf and others) and face some issues like:
- Uncaught exception
- Bugs, memory leaks
- About weeks to accept pull request with bugfix
- Very verbose to work listening to answers and creating buttons / menus
That module arose from my need to create a bot, so I needed to quickly develop a module that would meet my needs, so I didn't bother to implement all the methods / features available in the telegram API.
My only concern was to develop code that didn't break the application.
- Nodejs V8 +
It's only for long polling bot, Webhook will be implemented soon. Feel free to help us!
$ npm install telegram-bot-maker
const { Bot } = require('telegram-bot-maker')
const bot = new Bot({
token: 'YOUR-BOT-TOKEN',
updateInterval: 500, // interval that bot will looking for updates
Start the bot
Stop the bot
Add listener to command
// * Is Required
//<String> command *
//<Function> handler *
bot.command(command, handler)
bot.command('/menu', (ctx, update) => {
ctx.reply('There is a reply to menu command')
Add listener to bot
// * Is Required
//<String> listener * 'message' || 'update'
//<Function> handler *
bot.on(listener, handler)
bot.on('message', (ctx, update) => {
ctx.reply('A reply to your msg')
bot.on('message', (ctx, update) => {
.reply('Whats is your first name?')
const { message } = userReply
ctx.setState({ firstName: message.text })
ctx.reply(`nice ${message.text}, so whats is your last name?`)
const { message } = userReply
const { firstName } = ctx.getState()
ctx.reply(`your full name is ${firstName} ${message.text}`)
bot.on('message', (ctx, update) => {
text: 'Menu Level 0', //<String> text ( Text of message )
grid: '2x1', //<String> grid *Required 'ColsxRow' ( Grid of the Menu )
id: 'id-menu-0', //<String> id *Required (Id of menu, without it backButton wont work)
options: [
label: 'Button 1', //<String> label *Required (Label of button)
id: 'btn-1', //<String> id *Required (Id of button)
params: { 'foo': 'bar' },//<Object> params (Your custom params if you need)
onSelect: params => {
console.log('Button 1 click', params)
//Output: Button 1 click { 'foo': 'bar' }
}, //<Function> onSelect *Required (Called when user press the button)
label: 'Button 2',
id: 'btn-2',
onSelect: params => {
console.log('Button 2 click')
bot.on('message', (ctx, update) => {
text: 'Menu Level 0',
grid: '2x1',
id: 'id-menu-0',
options: [
label: 'Button 1',
id: 'btn-1',
params: { 'my-custom-params': 'my-custom-value' },
onSelect: params => {
console.log('Button 1 click', params)
label: 'Button 2',
id: 'btn-2',
onSelect: params => {
console.log('Button 2 click')
submenu: {
text: 'Menu Level 1',
grid: '1x1',
id: 'id-menu-1',
backButton: {
label: 'Back to level zero menu',
id: 'id-menu-0',
}, // Add at the bottom of grid a back button
options: [
label: 'Button 3',
id: 'btn-3',
onSelect: params => {
console.log('Button 3 click')
label: 'Button 4',
id: 'btn-4',
onSelect: params => {
console.log('Button 4 click')
bot.on('message', (ctx, update) => {
'Testing custom BTNS',
ctx.keyboard('inline', [
ctx.buttons.CallBack('Button 1', 'id-btn-1', { params: 'to-btn-1' }, params => {
console.log('User hit button 1', params)
ctx.buttons.CallBack('Button 2', 'id-btn-2', { params: 'to-btn-2' }, params => {
console.log('User hit button 2', params)
bot.on('message', (ctx, update) => {
'Testing custom BTNS',
ctx.keyboard(null, [ //Just the inline params changed
ctx.buttons.CallBack('Button 1', 'id-btn-1', { params: 'to-btn-1' }, params => {
console.log('User hit button 1', params)
ctx.buttons.CallBack('Button 2', 'id-btn-2', { params: 'to-btn-2' }, params => {
console.log('User hit button 2', params)
To send photos to user you must pass url or filePath param.
.reply('Want a photo?')
.waitForReply(() => {
file: {
type: 'photo', // Is required
//url: 'https://images.freeimages.com/images/large-previews/b31/butterfly-1392408.jpg',
filePath: './docs/menu-exemple-1.png',
- getMe
- sendMessage
- forwardMessage
- sendPhoto
- sendAudio
- sendDocument
- sendVideo
- sendAnimation
- sendVoice
- sendVideoNote
- sendMediaGroup
- sendLocation
- editMessageLiveLocation
- stopMessageLiveLocation
- sendVenue
- sendContact
- sendPoll
- sendChatAction
- getUserProfilePhotos
- editMessageText
All updates that remain when the bot is off will be bypassed, it will only react to updates that happen while it is alive, I choose for this architecture to prevent anomalous behavior.
This module is in its infancy and still relies on possible help to make it more robust.