Generate .FIT files in the Browser/Node. Currently intented for Course-Files but could be extended to other types if desired.
Basic example:
const myCourse = new FITCourseFile('course name',,
120 /*duration*/,
[1,1], [10,10] /* start/stop lat/log */
10, 5 /* ascend/descend (optional) */
.point(stamp /*point timestamp*/, [1,1] /* lat/log*/)
.point(stamp, [1,2])
.point(stamp, [1,3], 50 /* altitude meters*/, 100 /* total distance */)
.point(stamp, [1,4], 55, 150)
.turn(stamp, [2,4], 'right' /*turn icon*/, "go right" /*turn text */, 200 /*total distance*/)
.point(stamp, [2,5], 50, 250)
.turn(stamp, [2,4], 'left');
console.log(myCourse.finalize(stamp /* end time */));
For details see src/course.js
import { FITEncoder } from './encoder.js';
// or include dist/fit-file-writer.js and just use the global object
const encoder = new FITEncoder();
// start file
encoder.writeFileId({ type: 'course', time_created: now.getTime() });
encoder.writeCourse({ name: 'My Course' });
// FIT files may contain multiple laps
// see src/mesg.js for possible values
encoder.writeLap({ ... });
encoder.writeRecord({ ... });
// get result
const result = encode.blob;
pass timestamps as normal Javascript milliseconds stamps
they will be converted to FIT-style stamps (in seconds)
Note: the FIT epoch starts at 1989-12-31T00:00 underflows will result in values > year 2058 when reading
pass normal lat/long values FIT uses semicircles so some rounding errors may occur
distance is in meters
Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)
Extracted as a lib from the fit-route project by Nick Hollway: