Download the example or clone the repo:
cd create-react-app-with-typescript or App Name
or download this project and extract it in your project directory
npm install
npm start
npm build
- Http Service
- The HTTP client service offers GET, POST, PUT, DELETE along with error handling.
- configUrl where you can set api endpoints.
- Theme
- App theme can be set from theme.tsx
- Theme can be override from here.
- Mock Api - json-server
- json-server is set for mock api, you can set its config in json-server.js
- you can write mock response in db.json
- Layout consist of Sidebar and Appbar as components and Modules gets loads in module container element.
- Sidebar has capability of loading menus dynamically as well as static.
- Appbar consist of App Title and Popover actions.
- Redux store has been setup.
- Grid (Table along with table header, pagination component)
- Icon Button
- Toaster
- Error Dialog
- Loader
- Stepper
- Empty Screen
- Form Components such as Text Field, Text Area, Checkbox, Select Field, Date Picker and Time Picker all wrapped in Formik
- Login
- Working Login module along with JWT token in local storage.
- Candidate
- Working Candidate module which has grid table with pagination and form.
- Add Docker files
- App.js
- git precommit hooks
- prettier and eslint configs
- feel free to contribute...