by Edmund He, Jason Potvin, and Justin Wooley
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LinkedIn: Edmund He | Jason Potvin | Justin Wooley
- Vapor is a video game ecommerce website that pulls all video games from the Best Buy API.
- It is a SPA (Single Page Application) that follows REST (Representation State Transfer) protocol
- Exemplifies functional programming, and allows for CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations
- Implements user authentication and password encryption
- Stack: PERN (Postgresql, Express, React, Node)
- Node libraries featured: Redux, MUI (Material UI), JWT (JSON Web Tokens), Sequelize, Bcrypt
- Check it out at VAPOR
- Obtain Best Buy API keys with non-gmail or .edu accounts
- create your .env file with your secrets, namely JWT=
, key3=input
- Run
npm i
for all dependencies - With postgresql installed, run
createdb graceshopper
Sync and seed your database by running npm run seed
. Running npm run start:dev
will make great things happen!
- start:dev will both start your server and build your client side files using webpack
- start:dev:logger is the same as start:dev, but you will see your SQL queries (can be helpful for debugging)
- start:dev:seed will start your server and also seed your database (this is useful when you are making schema changes and you don't want to run your seed script separately)
- Windows users should run 'npm run build:dev' & 'npm run start' in separate terminals for full functionality