**Mirage-JS** is a lightweight developer library that gives developers access to a customizable and interactive video chat component. With a short setup process, a developer can write custom animations and filters or use our robust presets, and can integrate that with a video chat component built on peer to peer webRTC technology. This enables clients access to real time multimedia interactions drawn on 2d canvas overlays.
- Install it from npm
npm install --save mirage-js
- In client-side Javascript file require mirage-js.
import { Mirage } from 'mirage-js';
- On the server, navigate to our socket-logic file on node_modules (if server is in root directory, require from './node_modules/server/mirageSocket.js');
const mirageSocket = require('./node_modules/server/socketLogic.js');
const mirage = new Mirage();
mirage.putFilters = ['blur(5px)', 'saturate(20)'];
mirage.putImages = ['https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/emojione/2.2.6/assets/png/1f4a9.png',
Run your own functions and animations within select events. They take no input, but 'state' is accessible, see below
mirage.on('initial', (state, filters, images) => {
mirage.on('preStream', (state, filters, images) => {
mirage.on('localStream', (state) => {
mirage.on('streams', (state) => {
// console.log(state);
mirage.on('onData', (state) => {
// console.log(state);
state.rtcState.dataChannel.send(JSON.stringify({onData: "yo you're up in the data channels"}));
mirage.on('onMessage', (state, dataObj) => {
// console.log(state, dataObj);
Data becomes available to 'non-initiator' client (available via state.rtcState.dataChannel property)
mirage.on('nonInitiatorData', (state) => {
// console.log(state);
As of now there are five states, which are properties on a state object that is accessible within the event methods
state.filterState = {
filters: ['blur(5px)', 'brightness(0.4)', 'contrast(200%)', 'grayscale(100%)', 'hue-rotate(90deg)', 'invert(100%)', 'sepia(100%)', 'saturate(20)', 'none']; //default filters
addFilters: (filterArr) => { //add filters, suggested to do through putFilters method
if (filterArr != undefined || filterArr.length > 0) {
filterArr.forEach((ele, idx) => {
if(this.filters.indexOf(ele) < 0){
state.roomState = {
vendorUrl: //window url
chattersClient: // you and peer's socket ID
chatterThisClient: //your socket ID
roomID: //shared room object on server
state.mediaState = {
peerBooth: //DOM element container for remote canvas and video
peerVideo: //remote video
peerCanvas: //remote canvas overlay
peerContext: //remote context of canvas
myBooth: //DOM element container for local canvas and video
myVideo: //local video
myCanvas: //local canvas overlay
myContext: //local canvas context
state.animeState = {
anime: //object of default functions, paste, bounce, orbit
animeBtn: //DOM button with event listener to choose animation
currAnime: //DOM display element for current animation
currentAnimation: current chosen animation function
raf: //request animation frame variable
rafObj: //object collection of rafs
currentImg: //current selected image
emojis: //array collection of images
emoBtns: //DOM buttons for image selections
state.rtcState = {
localStream: //local video stream
remoteStream: //remote video stream
dataChannel: //data channel shared between clients
state.elementState = {
clearButton: document.getElementById(clearId);
joinButton: document.getElementById(joinId);
materialBtn: document.getElementById(materialId);
demo: document.getElementById(demoId);
fixedComponent: document.getElementById(fixedId);
boothComponent: document.getElementById(boothId);
connectElement: document.getElementById(connectId);
disconnectElement: document.getElementById(disconnectId);
## Our Team
* Kevin Liu - [github.com/kevoutthebox](https://github.com/kevoutthebox)
* Morgan Christison - [github.com/MorganChristison](https://github.com/MorganChristison)
* Blake Watkins - [github.com/blkwtkns](https://github.com/blkwtkns)
## License