Playing around with truffle framework and zeppelin smart-contracts library to build an Initial Coin Offering demo. Thanks to @gustavoguimaraes for his excellent blog post that started it all.
In order to run this web app successfully you'll have to run the following commands
cd ico-demo
truffle develop
In the development console, you'll also have to run the following commands
// Deploy the smart contracts (a.k.a. apply the migrations)
// Get test account 1
account1 = web3.eth.accounts[1]
// Get NVCoinCrowdsale instance (crowdsale.address will give you the address of the wallet)
NVCoinCrowdsale.deployed().then(inst => { crowdsale = inst })
// Buy your the first coin
crowdsale.sendTransaction({ from: account1, value: web3.toWei(5, "ether")})
Then you can run the web app with:
cd ico-demo
npm start
You shoudl see the wallet balances reflected correctly. It will look something like this:
Used these to play around and experiment
// Get token address for NVCrowdsale (i.e. address for NVCoin)
crowdsale.token().then(addr => { tokenAddress = addr } )
nvCoinInstance =
// Check balance in NVCoin
nvCoinInstance.balanceOf(account1).then(balance => account1NVTokenBalance = balance.toString(10))
web3.fromWei(account1NVTokenBalance, "ether")
// Check account balance in ether
nvCoinInstance.balanceOf(account1).then(balance => balance.toString(10))
// Account balance in ether
web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(account1).toString(), "ether")