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Setup new project (hosted on Github)

gravis edited this page Oct 29, 2012 · 1 revision

SSH configuration

  • Create a new ssh key for the moci user, in order to fetch updates on github:

    ssh-keygen -P "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_your_project_name

Bind this key to a ssh configuration:

Host github_your_project
  User git
  IdentityFile /home/moci/.ssh/id_rsa_your_project_name
  • Add the public key to project deploy keys list.

Create a project instance

  • Clone your project on server where moci is running:

    git clone git@github_your_project_name:your_org/your_project_name.git

  • Configure your instance (database.yml, etc.) so tests can be launched by moci

  • Go to admin, Projects -> Project Instances and add a new instance, using the path where the project was cloned.

Create test suites

  • Depending on your project nature, create suitable tests suites. If no suitable test suite can be used (cucumber for ex), use a Command suite. It will just check for a non failing command (ie: rake cucumber).