This application is a C++ and Qt-based graphical interface to manage an SSH connection with a Solana validator. It provides various controls to monitor and manage the validator, including catchup control, log control, memory usage, iptables drops, and disk usage.
• [Catchup Control] Check the catchup status of the Solana validator.
• [Log Control] View the latest logs from the validator.
• [Memory Control]: Monitor the memory usage of the validator.
• [Iptables Control]: Check for drops in iptables.
• [Disk Control]: Monitor the disk usage of the validator.
Clone the repository
Install Qt: Follow the instructions on the Qt website to install Qt on your system. 2. Build the application:
qmake make
Usage 1. Run the application:
Connect to the validator: • The application will prompt you to enter the SSH credentials for the Solana validator. 2. Use the controls: • Catchup Control: Click the "Catchup" button to check the catchup status.
• Log Control: Click the "Log" button to view the latest logs.
• Memory Control: Click the "Memory" button to monitor memory usage.
• Iptables Control: Click the "Iptables" button to check iptables drops.
• Disk Control: Click the "Disks" button to monitor disk usage.
Project Structure • main.cpp: Entry point of the application.
• mainwindow.h / mainwindow.cpp: Main window of the application.
• sshmanager.h / sshmanager.cpp: Manages the SSH connection.
• catchupcontrol.h / catchupcontrol.cpp: Handles catchup control.
• logcontrol.h / logcontrol.cpp: Handles log control.
• memorycontrol.h / memorycontrol.cpp: Handles memory control.
• iptablescontrol.h / iptablescontrol.cpp: Handles iptables control.
• diskcontrol.h / diskcontrol.cpp: Handles disk control.
Acknowledgements • Qt for the GUI framework.
• Solana for the blockchain platform.