My Portfolio developed using React.js, React Router and Bootstrap 5.
Create the initial scaffolding for your first portfolio site, as well as create or update other materials so that you can showcase your skills to potential employers. Creating a portfolio using React will help set you apart from other developers whose portfolios do not use some of the latest technologies.
- Solution URL:
- Live Site URL:
First, I started designing the content architecture of the different sections, content and how they will link each other on the website.
On the mindmap above, I separate the content in purple, for those sections that I would deliver for this challenge, and in gray those that need work and are for future project development.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Mobile-first workflow
- React.js
- UX/UI Design Improvements
- Theme switcher (Dark/Light mode)
- Accessibility checks
- Automated test
- Accessibility
Daniel Rodriguez
- Website -
- GitHub - Technoveltyco
The teacher and TAs that help us with resources and support to my questions during the development of this project.