Install Nodejs NOTE: With nodejs installation npm (package manager) will also get installed
Check version after the installation
node.exe --version v18.17.0
npm --version 9.6.7
Install the React Developer tools extension in Google Chrome
Install extensions in vscode
ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets -> Simple extensions for React Auto Rename Tag - Auto rename paired HTML/XML tag Live Server - Launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages Prettier Code formatter - Code formatter using prettier
In the vscode, click on settings icon and then click on Settings. A new window will open, in the search box type - "Emmet" and scroll down and go to Emmet: Include Languages And then add javascript in the key and javascriptreact in the value as shown below in the image.
Follow the document from Reactjs to setup your project
Create project directory structure with npx
NOTE: npx will be installed when you install nodejs from Step 1.
Start the npm server
npm start
Open the browser and open this url - http://localhost:3000 -
Now we have to play with App.js and App.css file
Let's add the bootstrap CSS and JS CDN url in the index.html file Get the URL of CDN from
Now let's delete the content from index.css file
Now copy the html code from bootstrap for Navbar and replace the class with className and also close the tags if not closed
To add the Date time calendar option install below packages
npm install dayjs npm install dayjs npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled```
Copy the Javascript code of Date time picker from Material UI - and add the code in App.js file