“Industrialization is the systemic exploitation of wasting assets. In all too many cases, the thing we call progress is merely an acceleration in the rate of that exploitation.” — Aldous Huxley
Clojure has many fantastic solutions for application state management - component, mount, and integrant are all fantastic libraries which bring unique and valuable features to the table. They serve as great inspiration for systemic.
is similar to mount
, in that it strives to prioritize the
experience in the REPL and makes use of clojure's own resolution
capabilities to implicitly define dependencies between components. Additionally
it uses dynamic scope to allow for multiple isolated systems in a single REPL
allowing for testing of systems in the same REPL as development.
The defsys
macro will automatically infer dependent systems by analyzing the
body of the form. Additional dependencies can be specified by explicitly adding
them with the :deps
option of the macro.
(ns example.dep-resolution
(:require [systemic.core :as systemic :refer [defsys]]))
(defsys *port*
:start (read-string (System/getenv "APPLICATION_PORT")))
(defsys *server*
:start (start-web-server *port*)
:stop (shutdown-server *server*))
(defsys *monitor*
:deps [*server*]
;; => ('example.dep-resolution/*port* 'example.dep-resolution/*server* 'example.dep-resoltuion/*monitor*)
Using the systemic/with-system
creates an isolated environment where none of
the existing systems are running.
(defsys *api-key*
"The API key for the application"
;; A system with no :start or :stop is presumed to only have a :start
(->> (io/resource "secrets.edn")
(defn decorate-req
(-> req
(update :url #(str "https://api.example.com" %))
(assoc :as :json)
(assoc-in [:headers "API-KEY"] *api-key*)
(assoc-in [:headers "USer-Agent"] "Shiny Co. API Client")))
(defsys *send-req*
:deps [*api-key*]
(comp http/request decorate-req))
(defn fetch-users
(:body (*send-req* {:method :get
:url "/users"})))
;; Example test
(deftest fetch-users-test
(let [req (atom nil)]
(with-system [*send-req* #(do (reset! req %)
{:body [{:name "Bob"}
{:name "Steve"}]})]
;; Note that because we have our own definition for `*send-req*` above,
;; dependencies (ie. `*api-key*`) of the original `*send-req*` will not be started.
(systemic/start! `*send-req*)
(is (= (fetch-users)
[{:name "Bob"}
{:name "Steve"}])))))
If a system is running, and redefined, systemic will stop it (using the old definition) and then start it using the new definition. Additionally, all dependent systems will be restarted. Ultimately systemic will allow this behavior to be configurable (see Roadmap below).
(defsys *a*
(println "Old A start")
(println "Old A stop"))
(defsys *b*
:deps [*a*]
(println "B start")
(println "B stop"))
;; => ('example/*a* 'example/*b*)
;; Prints:
;; Old A start
;; B start
Now imagine re-evaluating the buffer / expression with a new definition of
(defsys *a*
:start (println "New A start")
:stop (println "New A Stop"))
;; Evaluating, since `*a*` is already running, causes the following to be
;; printed:
;; B stop
;; Old A stop
;; New A start
;; B start
If an exception is thrown during the starting or stopping of systems, systemic will keep the application in a partial state and re-throws the exception with data about the offending system. This makes it easy to be in the same state as when the exception was thrown, hopefully making it easier to fix. It also avoids having to re-provision potentailly expensive dependencies, thereby speeding up the development experience.
(defsys *socket*
:start (start-socket! {:port 8080})
:stop (close-socket! *socket*))
(defsys *socket-consumer*
(throw (ex-info "Boom" {})))
(systemic/start! `*socket-consumer*)
(catch Exception e
(let [{:keys [cause type system]} (ex-data e)]
(println (case type
:system-start "Error during start"
:system-stop "Error during stop"))
(= 'example/*socket* system) ;; => true
(println "Original exception"
cause) ;;
Sometimes it can be useful to capture variables inside of a running system. To
provide for this, systemic provides the :closure
option as an alternative to
the :start
and :stop
The :closure
body will be invoked each time the system starts and should return
a map with :value
and :stop
. The :value
key will be used to set the
running system's value, while :stop
should be a function that will be called
when the system is stopped.
(defsys *advanced-system*
(let [my-internal-server (create-server!)]
{:value (wrap-server my-internal-server)
:stop (fn [] (stop-server! my-internal-server))}))
Systemic makes heavy use of dynamic scope and there are a few sharp edges to be
aware of when working with it. Dynamic bindings are thread-local, which means
that when you create a new thread you need to use bound-fn
to ensure that the
local bindings in the current thread make their way to the new thread.
Fortunately, most of clojure's built in concurrency primitives and libraries
handle this for you behind the scenes.
Below are some useful snippets to make working with systemic even better.
Place this in $PROJECT_ROOT/.clj-kondo/config.edn
to get proper linting inside
from clj-kondo.
{:lint-as {systemic.core/defsys clojure.core/def}}
;; Fix docstring highlighting for `defsys`
(put 'defsys 'clojure-doc-string-elt 2)
;; The below functions allow you to control systemic from Emacs.
;; Personally, I have found binding them to keys to be very convenient.
(defun systemic/restart ()
"Restarts all systemic systems"
(cider-interactive-eval "(systemic.core/restart!)"))
(defun systemic/start ()
"Starts all systemic systems"
(cider-interactive-eval "(systemic.core/start!)"))
(defun systemic/stop ()
"Stops all systemic systems"
(cider-interactive-eval "(systemic.core/stop!)"))
- Restart Strategies (see Mount for inspiration)
- Lifecycle hooks (on-start, on-stop, on-restart, on-error)
- Explore clojurescript