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Installing the project

Installing depencies

In the project root folder, launch the npm install:

npm install

Editing configuration

The configurations are located in the src/environments folder of the project. Edit the file correponding to your environment by setting the right baseUrl for the CEL api. For prod, the config should be located at <prj_folder>/src/environments/environments.ts. When installing the app, the configuration mainly deals in adapting API URL and auth info (API key, app ID).

Editing CEL2 API URL

This is the case for the CEL API and plantnet services (which are proxied by a CEL Web service) with the following root entries:

  • api
  • plantnet

Editing other tela API URL

That's also the case for tela other API with the following root entries:

  • algolia
  • chorodep
  • identiplante
  • eflore
  • sso
  • mapBgTile

Editing app.absoluteBaseUrl

Almost done, the app.absoluteBaseUrl entry value should be adapted.

Last checks

The following entries shoud not change from one install to another but a quick check could be useful, especially for the following root entries:

  • telaWebSite
  • app.helpUrl
  • app.importTemplateUrl

Dev: launching the app locally

ng s -c local

Prod: Building the file in prod mode

If the app is not located at the root of the app server, please add the corresponding "base-href" parameter (don't forget the ending slash...). For example:

ng build --prod --base-href /appli:cel/

Note: the --prod build mode is a bit touchier than the "standard" (dev) build...

Prod: Deploying on server

Use rsync like:

rsync -av dist/cel2-client/ user@server:/home/user/www/cel-ng/