Pipewatch "Groups" Package
This package is meant to manage group pages.
Protector list and pages are blocked depending if you have permission or not (Public, Selected Members Only, Logged In, Private)
You can only access Editing options if you are the creator of the page (or an Admin)
You can only Create or Edit a page if you are logged in
All child pages have ID of parent, all parent pages have ID of child. For now they are listed only in one array but this is flexible with a bit.
Textareas can be ordered manually through arrows on the right hand side (moves around and re-stores in array)
Upload objects are put into directory, then also attached as a full object onto the parentGroupPage
Ability to upload to Google Bucket included (60 days free?)
Members can be added to page object via dropdown menu (easily removed,listed in a similar fashion)
Editing is mostly inline, reloads page, main textarea not inline at all
Pipewatch "Map" Area
This sits on top of group pages and plots out certain post types.
- Made in Angular Map so it safely reloads every time
- Arrays and objects of overlays set up as Factories
- First Nations Land (direct Google Maps objects), Languages (JSON), municipal maps (overlays)
- Update simply adds location with title and content into map
- Proposed project allows ability to add sources
- Spills choice, many options to add more information
- Icons: -- Should basically have NEWS, UPDATES, SPILLS -- #49bf37 (UPDATES): -- Protest (protest) -- General information (information) -- Special urgent information (regroup) -- #c03639 (SPILLS): -- Car accident (spill for road accidents) (caraccident) -- Shipwreck (spill for ocean accidents) (shipwreck) -- Offshore oil rig available -- Train spill (steamtrain) -- Random pipeline oil spill (blast) -- #22849c (PROPOSED PROJECTS): -- Upcoming mine project (mine) -- Upcoming dam project (dam) -- Upcoming LNG or Oil pump (oilpumpjack) -- Upcoming factory project (factory) -- Upcoming random industry related project (museum_industry)
Parent Pipewatch
This controls the overall appearances, adding and removing modules from the page.
- Paths to all page types are under "groupPages" slug (not that great for SEO but easier to keep organized)
- Move it to live
- Functionality
- Media uploads page attaches to what parent?
- Ensure functionality of updates from map, including icon selection, storage in DB, multiple of each object, etc
- Viewing news pages and their information
- Start loading in information
- Child page saving isn't perfect, have maximum of 3-4
- Better button arrangement when reordering
- Private doesnt seem to work on textareas
- Fix problem with reload when editing content
- Double check over form submissions to make sure required stuff is actually required
- Fix up GCS buckets once uploaded into
- Admin page can update live, be more nicely styled, etc
- Also, this should hide private pages from non-admin
- Add a really simple global point game system
- Protectors
- Have recently updated sort up to top, etc