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Tiller Kubernetes Module

Usage example

Here's the gist of using it via github.

module tiller {
  source     = ""
  namespace  = "helm"
  name = "tiller"
  service_namespaces = ["helm", "tiller", "dev", "stage"]

Module Variables


Name Description Type Default Required
automount_service_account_token Enable automatin mounting of the service account token bool "true" no
component Component name string "helm" no
name Generic name string "tiller" no
namespace Namespace to where deploy tiller string n/a yes
service_namespaces The ServiceAccounts to grant permissions to. Example ['helm'] list(string) n/a yes
tiller_image Tiller Docker image string "" no
tiller_max_history Tiller history to contain string "200" no
tiller_replicas Amound of replicas to deploy string "1" no
tiller_service_type Type of Tiller's Kubernetes service object. string "ClusterIP" no
tiller_version Tiller version string "v2.14.2" no


Name Description
service_account a service account


$ make help 
hooks                          Commit hooks setup
validate                       Validate with pre-commit hooks
changelog                      Update changelog
release                        Create release version 

How to Contribute

Submit a pull request

Validate creation of components

kubectl get serviceaccount <name> -o yaml
kubectl get clusterrolebinding <name> -o yaml
kubectl get deploy <name> -o yaml