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Tesla Android for Raspberry Pi 4


This repository contains platform patches and manifest for Tesla Android on top of GloDroidCommunity AOSP.

Please refer to for release notes, hardware requirements and the install guide.

Please consider supporting the project:



Tesla Android is published under the General Public License 3.0. All generic board-specific patches are regularly submitted to GloDroidCommunity/raspberry-pi where they can be obtained under the Apache License.


Tesla Android Project is a free and open-source initiative maintained by a group of volunteers. It is provided "as is" without any warranties or guarantees.

Flashing images

Find the sdcard image or archive with fastboot images here

Use the SDCard raw image to flash the Android into SDCard.

Or use the fastboot images archive to download Android on SDCard using fastboot mode:

Step 1

Extract the content of the archive.
Using any available iso-to-usb utility, prepare recovery SDCARD.
To flash Android on a sdcard, use deploy-sd.img

Step 2

Ensure you have installed the adb package: $ sudo apt install adb (required to set up udev rules)
Insert recovery sdcard into the phone.
Connect the phone and your PC using a typec cable.
Power up the phone. Blue LED indicates that the phone is in bootloader mode, and you can proceed with flashing.

Step 3

Run ./ utility for flashing Android to sdcard

After several minutes flashing should complete, and Android should boot

Building from sources

Before building, ensure your system has at least 32GB of RAM, a swap file is at least 8GB, and 300GB of free disk space available.

Install system packages

(Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is only supported. Building on other distributions can be done using docker)

sudo apt-get install -y git-core gnupg flex bison build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z1-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip fontconfig

  • Install additional packages
sudo apt-get install -y swig libssl-dev flex bison device-tree-compiler mtools git gettext libncurses5 libgmp-dev libmpc-dev cpio rsync dosfstools kmod gdisk lz4 meson cmake libglib2.0-dev git-lfs

  • Install additional packages (for building mesa3d, libcamera, and other meson-based components)
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip pkg-config python3-dev ninja-build
sudo pip3 install mako jinja2 ply pyyaml pyelftools
  • Install the repo tool
sudo apt-get install -y python-is-python3 wget
wget -P ~/bin
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Fetching the sources and building the project

git clone
cd android-raspberry-pi

Building Tesla Android

./ && ./


  • Depending on your hardware and internet connection, downloading and building may take 8h or more.
  • After the successful build, find the fastboot images at ./out/images.tar.gz or sdcard image at ./out/sdcard.img.