Command line interface to manipulate ProtonLights projects.
new-project <name> <layout-id>
new-user <admin-key> <name>
remove-user <admin-key> <uid>
new-sequence <admin-key> <name> <music-file> <seq-duration> <layout-id>
new-vixen-sequence <admin-key> <name> <music-file> <seq-duration> <frame-duration> <data-file> <-
layout-id>`add-sequence <admin-key> <proj-name> <seqid>
remove-sequence <admin-key> <proj-name> <seqid>
delete-sequence <admin-key> <seqid>
get-sequence <seqid>
get-playlist-data <proj-name>
set-sequence-layout <admin-key> <seqid> <layout-id>
new-layout <layout-file>
patch-layout <admin-key> <layout-id> <patch-file>
new-section <admin-key> <t_start> <t_end> <seqid> <fixid>..
get-user-id <public-key>
get-layout-id <proj-name>
list-permissions <uid>
set-permission <admin-key> (add | remove) <uid> Administrate
set-permission <admin-key> (add | remove) <uid> EditSequence <target-sequence>
set-permission <admin-key> (add | remove) <uid> EditSection <target-sequence> <target-section>
set-permission <admin-key> (add | remove) <name> EditSeqSec <target-section>
Permissions include:
- project administration
- edit sequence [TODO]
- edit sequence section [TODO]
- cmake
- libssl-dev
- libsfml-dev
- libcsfml-dev
- postgresql (version 9.5 works for sure)
Install postgresql
$ sudo apt install postgres
Set password of postgres user (can be anything. You won't be able to see the password while you type it)
$ sudo passwd postgres
Change to postgres user and start the server
$ su - postgres
$ psql
Set psql's postgres password (can/should be different than the other password)
# \password postgres
Create proton user (password used by cli, so keep the same)
# CREATE USER proton WITH PASSWORD '1234qwermnbv'
Create database
# CREATE DATABASE proton_cli
Quit psql
# \q
Load in database structure
$ psql proton_cli < /path/to/proton-cli/db_backups/working_xx_p
Done, so exit su
$ exit