Automate and scale QA with agentic users.
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Ask @testdriverbot to test your app within any issue or pull request! TestDriver is an agentic user tester, it has access to the entire OS and uses computer vision with mouse and keyboard control to simulate a real user.
Just tag @testdriverbot and include a markdown list of tasks. TestDriver will attempt your tasks and generate a regression test.
You can try it right now in this repo.
Tag @testdriverbot in your repo and provide a markdown list of steps to take.
1. open
2. search for rick astley
3. click the first video
4. verify the video is playing
TestDriver will spawn an ephemeral Windows VM with Chrome launched and attempt to complete your task. This might take a few minutes! TestDriver will make a comment and ping you when it's done.
You can click on the animated GIF to see the full test recording.
Add the /save
command and TestDriver will generate a YML file. Then, use our GitHub action to re-run this test on every PR, commit, or merge!
- uses: testdriverai/action@main
key: ${{ secrets.TESTDRIVER_API_KEY }}
prompt: 1. /run testdriver/test.yml
prerun: |
cd $env:TEMP
npm init -y
npm install dashcam-chrome
Start-Process "C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" -ArgumentList "--start-maximized", "--load-extension=$(pwd)/node_modules/dashcam-chrome/build", "${{ env.WEBSITE_URL }}"
Yes! You need to deploy to GitHub pages, Vercel preview, or upload an artifact first. Then, have TestDriver download that artifact as part of the prerun script.
Yes, just add @testdriverbot as a collaborator.