Releases: testhub-io/testhub-io.action
Releases · testhub-io/testhub-io.action
Update CLI version to v0.15.1
v0.62 Fix cli name in docker file
New version of testhub-cli
v0.60 fix path to file
Marketplace listing description
v0.59 Update README.MD
Show test-hub url in log
v0.58 Bump up cli version
Upload test and coverage to TestHub repository
Upload your JUnit Test results and Cobertura coverage reports to TestHub
In your .github.workflows
folder include a workflow.yml
file include a step to push to Testhub.
For example
- name: Upload test results
id: hello
uses: testhub-io/[email protected]
test_result_pattern: "/target/surefire-reports/**/*.xml"
test_coverage_pattern: "/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml"
Viewing pushed coverage and test results
Test results and coverages can be viewed after successful push on TestHub @<org>
The code in this project is released under the MIT License.
Send branch attempt II
v0.50 Branch
Send branch
v0.49 Update Dockerfile