This package provides a very basic, convenient, and unified wrapper for the Mantis REST API.
To install the client you need to require the package using composer:
$ composer require testmonitor/mantis-client
Use composer's autoload:
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
You're all set up now!
You'll have to instantiate the client using your credentials:
$mantis = new \TestMonitor\Mantis\Client('', 'REST token');
Next, you can start interacting with Mantis.
Get a list of Mantis projects:
$projects = $mantis->projects();
Or creating an issue, for example (using category 'Bug' and project 1):
$issue = $mantis->createIssue(new \TestMonitor\Mantis\Resources\Issue([
'summary' => 'Some issue',
'description' => 'A better description',
'category' => 'Bug',
]), '1');
The package contains integration tests. You can run them using PHPUnit.
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
Refer to CHANGELOG for more information.
Refer to CONTRIBUTING for contributing details.
- Thijs Kok - Lead developer - ThijsKok
- Stephan Grootveld - Developer - Stefanius
- Frank Keulen - Developer - FrankIsGek
- Muriel Nooder - Developer - ThaNoodle
The MIT License (MIT). Refer to the License for more information.